
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weidingsen
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目前,新疆的大豆生产只是小面积春播或在玉米地少量间、混作,总产低.近两年,大豆收购价格偏低,农民生产大豆的积极性不高,现全区库存大豆已基本用完,大豆市场供应面临紧张局面.为了发展乡镇企业和满足人民生活需要,新疆大豆生产必须有一个大发展.现就利用麦茬复播大豆问题谈些意见,供参考.新疆利用麦茬复播大豆,有利条件很多,一是7—8月份气温高,此时正值天山积雪融化期,灌溉条件好;二是全疆小麦播种面积占粮食播种面积65%,不少地区麦收后都可复播大豆;三是有关单位经过多年引种试种,选出了一批适于复播的早熟、极早熟大豆品种. At present, soybean production in Xinjiang is only a small area of ​​spring sowing or in a small amount of corn, mixed, total low. The past two years, the purchase price of soybeans is low, the enthusiasm of farmers to produce soybean is not high, the region has basically run out of stocks of soybeans , Soybean market is facing a tense situation.To the development of township enterprises and to meet the needs of people’s lives, Xinjiang soybean production must have a big development.Now the use of wheat stubble sowing some comments for reference.Xinjiang using stubble replanting of soybean, favorable Many conditions, one high temperature in July-August, this time coincided with the Tianshan snow melting period, irrigation conditions are good; second Xinjiang sown area accounted for 65% of grain sown area, many areas after the wheat harvest can be sowing the soybean ; Third, the relevant units after many years of introduction of trial planting, selected a number of suitable for multi-sowing of precocious, very precocious soybean varieties.
疑问是智慧的窗口,是学习的“路标”,是推动学生创造力发展的动力。培养学生提出问题、质疑问难的能力,增强学生的问题意识,对于开发智力,发展思维,变被动接受为主动探索,对实现素质教育有着重要的作用。本期刊发相关文章,旨在对“培养学生的提问能力”这一问题作一些探讨,以启发对其深入思考研究。  提问,亦即发问。  帕斯卡尔说过:“人是一根能思想的苇草。” 对人而言,提问是思想的发端,也是思想提升的支点和台
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朗读是把文学作品转化为有声的阅读活动,是眼、口、耳、脑并用的心智活动,是把书面语言转化为有声语言的再创活动。它是一种十分复杂的心理活动,能激活学生的思维,激发学生的情感,是重要而常用的阅读训练,也是理解课文的重要方法。  一是要抓好朗读基础训练。主要是在发音、正音、念词、咬字、听字等方面进行训练。在词语教学中,不但要教读词方法,还要在朗读时教学生“连词读”,要求用普通话把每个字词的音读准确、读清楚
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