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肺的呼吸部包括呼吸性细支气管、肺泡管、肺泡囊和肺泡等,各段管壁均具有肺泡的构造,是肺的功能单位。近年来,对肺泡的微细结构及其生理有了较深入的了解,并用于解释临床上某些疾病的发生。肺泡的微细结构肺泡呈多面形的薄壁囊泡,直径约0.1~0.2毫米。据估计,成人肺泡共约3~4亿个,表面积约100平方米。其组成如下: 一、肺泡膈:肺泡除一面呈缺口与肺泡囊相通外,其它各面均与相邻肺泡相贴,称肺泡膈。肺泡膈由相邻两肺泡的上皮及其间的毛细血管网和结缔组织构 Breathing of the lungs, including respiratory bronchioles, alveolar tube, alveolar sac and alveoli, etc., each segment has a alveolar wall structure, is a functional unit of the lungs. In recent years, the fine structure of the alveoli and its physiology have a more in-depth understanding, and used to explain the clinical occurrence of certain diseases. Alveolar microstructure Alveolar polyhedral thin-walled vesicles, a diameter of about 0.1 ~ 0.2 mm. It is estimated that a total of about 3 to 400 million adult alveoli, a surface area of ​​about 100 square meters. The composition is as follows: First, the alveolar diaphragm: Alveolar addition to the alveolar notch on the one hand and the alveolar sac, the other sides are attached to the adjacent alveoli, said the alveolar diaphragm. Alveolar diaphragm from the adjacent two alveolar epithelium and capillary network between the network and connective tissue structure
Pitchenik 等曾报道海地居民中的获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者的结核病发病率是61.4%(27/44),而非海地人仅2.7%(1/37)。本文回顾性研究了 Bellevue 医院1981~1984年间收治的
监护病房(ICU)的医院获得性革兰氏阴性杆菌肺炎(GBP)死亡率达30~60%,并且治疗非常困难。研究证明,防止医院获得性 GBP 的有效方法是选择性清洁口腔和胃肠道(GI),预防细菌繁殖
过敏性支气管肺曲菌病(Allergicbronchopulmonary aspergillosis,简称ABPA)主要临床表现是哮喘、反复发作肺部浸润、脓性咳嗽伴发热和有痰栓形成,对曲菌高度敏感。1952年 Hi
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