A Brief Analysis on the Springing up of American Country Music in the 20th Century

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evaxiang
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  【Abstract】American country music is one of the prominent symbols of American culture in the 20th century.It was a product of 20th century which derived from folk music. It was a blend of traditional and popular musical forms characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic structure. The genre was so distinctive that appealed to most of the mountain area locals and then it has grown up rapidly since the beginning of the 1920s. This paper explaining the reasons why this special kind of music form just came into being in the 20th century.
  【Key words】American country music; springing up
  1. Introduction
  American country music attracted people all over the world and it was originated from Southern United States at the early 20th century.Country music has its roots in folk music as cowboys created songs about the old American country life.They combined new musical instruments like the Hawaiian steel guitar with traditional violin and banjo thus the new music pattern was born. The country music was characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic structure with solo or ensemble improvisations as basic tunes and chord pattern.For the melody was easy to remember and the lyrics narrated things impressed people, it obtained special attention from American rural areas.
  2. The Reasons for the Springing up of American Country Music
  After springing up in the early 1920s, it hit the American music market for several decades. But what made American country music come into being in the 20th century?
  2.1 The Historical Reason
  After World WarⅠ America achieved in the international arena and it obtained unprecedented development.Material comforts led to leisure and entertainment desire, thus then a new time for the music industry was coming.By 1924, the music already had a northern market and the recording industry also began to have great interests in country music.Sooner people were fond of country music and the album production was a national demand. Since then, people invested capital to the recording industry aiming at launching the country music into a vaster market.In the 1930s, the status of country music in the mainstream of pop music was consolidated.American country can be regarded as a product in time of war.
  2.2 The Cultural Reasons
  America is a pool formed by the multi-ethnic culture since the 18th Century,while people got used to their own old traditional culture, language and folkway, which directly spurred on the culture shock.After they settled down, the people were looking for leisure-time activities. Finally they tried to combine all kinds of special folk songs from different areas with the string instruments to create music style and then it became the original folk music.The immigrants gradually enjoyed this music style which was regarded as the prototype of country music.   2.3 The Religious and Racial Reason
  Thanks to the worldwide immigrants,America became multi-ethnic hodgepodge of races and religions.People in different races and religions had their own faith,while they gathered in the country and most of them were poor so they were fond of cowboy style.All these aspects added multi-ethnic elements into country music that made it distinguish from other American pop music genre.The music without any discrimination upon religions and races attracted the roughscuff.
  3. Conclusion
  Country music was brought into big cities and was stick the mark “American Dream”,which contributed to it’s popularization.Owning to globalization and culture shock,country music now mix up something new to meet the appetite of the audiences, which helps American country music to establish the incomparable position in the international music industry.American country music experience development and evolutionwhile it still maintains its original charm.Definitely, it is an eternal banner in world’s music industry and will never be substituted.
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【摘要】英语课本剧是教师依托英语教材,在研读教材、整合教材的基础上,充分挖掘教材中的活动因素,将课本改编成贴近学生日常生活、贴近时代要求的英文剧本,即把教材内容编成一个个短剧,有人物、有情节,通过表演,形象直观的演绎教材。在整个课本剧活动过程中,小组成员是合作伙伴,教师是导演,学生是演员,教室是舞台,英语课本剧架起了一座链接“玩”“学”的坚实桥梁。  【关键词】课本剧表演;小学英语教学;学习兴趣 
【摘要】本研究通过对微课教学优点及艺术类高职大学英语课堂中教学现状的分析,试图探索出微课在大学英语课堂中的应用模式。旨在改变传统的英语课堂教学,对提高艺术类高职大学英语课堂的有效性及实用性,提高学生学习主动性和积极性提供理论及实践指导。  【关键词】微课;艺术类;高职院校;大学英语  【作者简介】马丽娜(1987-),女,重庆市南岸区人,重庆文化艺术职业学院,讲师,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学
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