Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Simplifies Clearance Process to Offer a “Green Channel” for Importers & Exp

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  The China-ASEAN Pilot Zone for Border Trade Inspection and Quarantine in Pingxiang, Guangxi, unveiled on September 10, 2016, adopts an integrated inspection and quarantine mechanism to speed up the clearance process and lower the cost. It takes only two hours to finish the whole process — inspection, quarantine and clearance — of a car of fruits imported from Vietnam; it takes importers or exporters just 20 seconds to finish the submission of inspection and quarantine information by using a mobile app.
  Pingxiang, a city of Guangxi bordered to Vietnam, boasts the largest quantity and scale of ports and a flourish border trade market. Therefore, Pingxiang is chosen to be the pilot zone for border inspection and quarantine in order to integrate clearance facilitation and supervision efficiency. Drawing on such a best practice, Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (BGEZ) has also created greater regional trade facilitation and revenue than ever before.
  Pilot reform to facilitate customs clearance
  In recent years, as China-ASEAN economic cooperation increasingly deepens and Guangxi is stepping up its opening trade, the original function and scale of ports cannot satisfy the mushrooming foreign trade and need to be upgraded. Besides, there are some problems like the complicated, inefficient and high-cost clearance process and epidemics brought by the flow of people and goods due to unsound law enforcement and coordination mechanism and diversified modes of border trade. So, how to search for effective and convenient inspection and quarantine supervision mode to facilitate clearance, and how to promote the close cooperation between inspection sectors in BGEZ?
  In this regard, since the deepening reform of BGEZ began in 2014, the clearance mode in Guangxi has undertaken reforms of “Three Ones” (One Declaration, One Inspection and One Clearance), “One Pass for Goods from Six Cities” and the “Single Window”, which hold the key to the regional economic development.
  “Three Ones” (One Declaration, One Inspection and One Clearance) was launched at both Fangchenggang Port and Pingxiang Port in November 2014, and then was applied to other ports in Guangxi, thus speeding up the clearance process and upgrading the clearance quality.
  Guangxi Electronic Port Logistics Linkage System started to be in operation on July 1, 2015, marking a substantial progress of “One Pass for Goods from Six Cities”. Imported and exported goods can be transferred between Yongzhou Customs, Beihai Customs, Nanning Bonded Logistics Center, Qinzhou Free Trade Port Area, Pingxiang Integrated Free Trade Zone without need to apply for transit permit.   The “Single Window” for Guangxi international trade operated online in December 2015 requires importers or exporters to submit application information only once and then relevant customs sectors will get what they need and send feedback to importers or exporters through the “Single Window”. The platform has significantly improved the review efficiency and saved 30-50% of the cost of manual work and transport due to the paperless work and the decrease of workload.
  What’s more, China-ASEAN Pilot Zone for Border Trade Inspection and Quarantine and the backbone system of e-CIQ put in use since September 2016 has greatly integrated the clearance facilitation and supervision efficiency. As a result, Guangxi’s international trade still achieved a growth against such a challenging trade environment and many international trade companies also benefited from the reform. It is learned that Guangxi had a total volume of international trade of 319.03 billion yuan, up by 15%; the time for clearance process was cut down by 2.1 hours; and the cost of import or export transit in Guangxi decreased by 20-30%.
  Huang Hanjun, general manager of Guangxi Qinzhou Free Trade Port Area Guanan Trading Co., Ltd., said that the effective steps for clearance facilitation taken by customs sectors in Guangxi reduced a lot on the clearance cost for international trade companies. In 2015, Guanan imported 300 thousand liter of red wine, up by six times than that in 2014.
  Improve work mechanism to break down barriers between customs districts
  Situated at the junction of Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Zone and a few regional economic zones in six provinces of the Southwest China, BGEZ cooperates and interacts more with Guangdong, Fujian and Hainan in recent years. Guangxi officially joined the inclusion in the reform of Guangdong’s customs regional clearance integration in May 2015. The reform aims to break down barriers hindering customs clearance and to achieve regional mutual recognition and connectivity, the integration of 11 customs in four provinces by building the clearance mode “One Center, Four Platforms”. Since the regional clearance integration linkage in reform area was launched on July 1, 2015, the time of customs clearance process in the region was down from 6.54 hours to 4.44 hours.
  For the moment, all of importers and exporters in the four provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation — Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian, and Guangxi — can choose places of declaration, tax paying, inspection and pass according to their logistics demands. For example, importers or exporters in the four provinces can choose the port of clearance, transit regulation, “declaration in the original place, clearance at port”, “declaration and clearance at port” and regional clearance integration. At the same time, importers or exporters can finish customs recognition involving preliminary appraisal of price, classification and confirmation at original places, ending with the mutual recognition by the four provinces.   It is learned that over the year of reform in customs clearance integration within the four provinces, the cost of transit clearance reduced by 20-30%, the time of the entry into Nanning Bonded Logistics Center economized by 50% and the recording efficiency improved by over 30%.
  Renewing improvements in regional clearance
  Clearance simplification and integration is part of deepening reform of BGEZ and the active attempt to broaden the cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN. The reform of clearance facilitation has backed vigorously the rapid economic development of BGEZ.
  It is said that the “Single Window” at present provides a customs information network with BGEZ ports. On such a basis, by drawing on the best practice of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Guangxi should further apply the single window to the areas along the border, inland rivers, railways and aviation ports, upgrade the intelligent port to a wisdom one and level up comprehensive services of ports, so as to contribute to the upgrading of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.
  In addition, Guangxi should further promote the clearance mode of “Two Countries, One Inspection” with Vietnam and with Malaysia at the advantage of its land-sea closeness with Vietnam and preferential policies brought by China-Malaysia “Two Countries, Twin Parks”. At present, this clearance mode is welcomed by Vietnamese and Malaysian counterparts, who decided collectively to choose the Friendship Pass — Friendship International Port, Qinzhou Port and Kuantan Port as the pilot zones. In the near future, fresh fruits and aquatic and marine products produced by ASEAN countries and even other parts of the world are sure to be transferred to the Chinese mainland in a shorter time.
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2016年8月17日,新上任的缅甸国务资政昂山素季开启了访华之行,中缅两国领导人就经贸合作、边境稳定、能源与产业合作、人文交流等重要领域进行了交流,在中缅政治友好关系“更上一层楼”的同时,中缅经贸合作也迎来了新福音。  传递中缅合作正能量  2016年8月17日,时隔一年多后昂山素季再度到访中国。此次访华,她的身份较“The Lady(女士)”之外,也是“The Leader(领导)”。2016年
日前,印度尼西亚农业部发布《进口植源性新鲜食品安全法规》修订版,修订后的法规将适当降低印度尼西亚农产品的进口门槛。  据介绍,在旧版本进口许可文件中,出口商可选择提供“预先声明”或者“预先声明”和“实验室检测报告”,而此次新增许可选项包括:如果出口国的食品安全体系和实验室都没有得到印度尼西亚官方认可,企业也可提供“预先声明”和“出口国官方或认证机构出具的食品安全证书”以获得进口许可。该条款意味着企
“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛将于2017年5月14~15日在北京举行,主要内容为全面总结“一带一路”建设的积极进展,共商下一阶段重要合作举措。4月19日,中国国家主席习近平在赴广西考察时强调:要写好新世纪海上丝路新篇章,在“一带一路”框架下推动中国大开放大开发。  广西在“一带一路”建设中的定位是“一带一路”有机衔接的重要门户。作为国家级重点园区的广西凭祥综合保税区,抢抓“一带一路”新机遇,坚持“
在中国与老挝两国边界起伏的山峦间,流淌着一条富含水电能源的南欧江。南欧江上,如今正热火朝天地建设着老挝南欧江水电项目。该项目是老挝历史上第一次把一整条河流交给外国公司来规划开发,也是中国企业首次获得在境外对另一个国家整条流域规划和开发的项目。而这只是“一带一路”建设推进3年多来,诸多成果中的一个。  从两千多年前的历史画卷中走来,于2013年中国国家领导人的倡议中掷地有声,3年多来,“一带一路”的
“华文文学和水墨世界是我的精神故乡。”马来西亚华裔知名作家朵拉如是说。  朵拉于2016年11月12日在中国福州举办了一场名为《听香》的画展。62幅朵拉的水墨画在位于福州三坊七巷街区的海峡民间艺术馆展出,由画家亲自捉刀的展前语是一篇性灵美文。  朵拉原名林月丝,出生于马来西亚槟城,原籍福建泉州惠安。她独擅散文和小小说,小小说作品被收入中国、美国、新加坡和香港的大学教材、中学教材,以及马来西亚当地的
2017年4月10日,第18次中国—东盟联合合作委员会(ACJCC)会议在雅加达东盟秘书处举行。中方与东盟方介绍落实中国—东盟2016~2020年行动计划取得的积极成果,并就中国—东盟互联互通合作等议题深入交换意见。  中国驻东盟大使徐步:2017年是东盟成立50周年,东盟共同体建设站在了新的历史起点上。中方乐见东盟继续保持团结、活力和增长,将继续坚定支持东盟共同体建设,支持东盟在区域合作中的中心