
来源 :中小学数学(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itliutao123
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2011年天津中考数学卷填空题第18题看似简单,但立意新颖,实际难度较大.原题是:如图1,有一张长为5,宽为3的矩形纸片ABCD,要通过适当的剪拼,得到一个与之面积相等的正方形.(1)该正方形的边长为(结果保留根号);(2)现要求只能用两条裁剪线,请你设计一种裁剪的方法,在图中画出裁剪线并简要说明剪、拼的过程.作为填空题,考试的形式十分新颖,第一问容易得到答案,但第二问要正确解答却较困难.命题者的意图是要考察学生综合运用知识解决问题的能力、考 In 2011, the 18th question in the Tianjin mathematics test, which was filled in by the blanks, seems to be simple, but the concept is novel, and it is actually more difficult. The original question is: as shown in Figure 1, there is a rectangular paper ABCD with a length of 5 and a width of 3, to pass appropriate The scissor of the game, get a square with the same area. (1) The side length of the square is (result reserved root number); (2) now requires only two cutting lines, please design a cutting method In the figure, draw the cutting line and briefly explain the process of cutting and spelling. As a blank-filling question, the form of the examination is very novel. The first question is easy to get answers, but the second question is more difficult to answer correctly. The proposition’s intention is To examine students’ ability to use knowledge to solve problems
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