Multimedia English Teaching(多媒体教学)

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  [摘要]With the computer popularized, multimedia teaching has been used more and more widely. There is no doubt that it has contributed a lot to higher teaching quality. At the same time, some people question it. We have seen many difficulties and misunderstandings about it. We should change our teaching ideas and recognize its impersonal attribute as one of teaching methods. Only in this way can we utilize modern education technology reasonably to fulfill the target of English Teaching.(随着电脑的普及,多媒体教学应用得越来越广泛。毫无疑问,它有助于提高教学的质量。同时,有人提出质疑我们遇到了很多的困难和误解。我们应该改变教学方法认识到它作为一种教学方式的非人性化方面。只有这样我们才能更好的利用信息科技服务于教学。)
  [关键词]multimedia teaching methods misunderstanding(多媒体教学 教学方法 误解)
  In the information age, a lot of changes have taken place on English Teaching. The most important and noticeable one is the application of the computer and Internet. Its impact on traditional English teaching is great. Does information technology have great effect on English teaching and learning? Now, I want to exchange my thoughts.
  Multimedia has made great contributions to English teaching.
  1.It can create a new plural, authentic English environment. This kind of environment is the one Chinese learners have pursued for years. Lack of authentic environment, English learning can’ t be very successful. Multimedia makes English lessons vivid. Information technology can make students learn the cultures of English-speaking countries, as well as traditions, customs, history and geography easily and traditional teaching can’ t match it, just because it can solve the most difficult problem — language environment.
  2.It can arouse students’interest, improve study efficiency and get better teaching results. As we all know, “Interest is the best teacher”. Multimedia can improve the students’interest in language learning, because it can stimulate students’thinking. In traditional teaching, the students are passive learners. And they do a lot of repeated exercises. Compared to it, multimedia provides a great number of non-language source materials, in which way the teaching results are greatly improved.
  Though Multimedia has great effect on English teaching, we must use it in a proper way.
  The advantage of using multimedia is clear. Our teaching aim is the real language atmosphere. Because of the powerful functions of the computer, multimedia teaching methods have many advantages such as networking and modularization which will be very helpful to create the suitable language atmosphere. On the contrary if we misuse it, it will lead to bad effect. On the surface, the teachers supply many things in one class. However, the students learn a little just because they don’ t arrange them well, and only pay attention to the form. In my opinion, in the following ways, we can use it more wisely.
  1.The style of courseware and teaching should be consistent. Multimedia teaching can fully reveal teaching style. Firstly we should be familiar with the course. Secondly we should design the logical process, select suitable teaching methods effectively.
  2.We should not change the class into a display of courseware. Using multimedia reasonably can progress English teaching. However, when we pursue form excessively, English class will become a display of courseware, which results in bad effects.
  (1)We teachers are still controllers.We can say that multimedia teaching method is brought to bear in Senior English Teaching and become a good tool of creating such a study scene. But it’ s a pity that in actual teaching some teachers have some misunderstandings to multimedia English teaching. In order to prevent the students’taste tiredness teachers have made great efforts to design flowery and fancy courseware but they have neglected their leading role . They haven’ t realized that multimedia teaching method is only an auxiliary one, and they are the controllers.
  (2) We should pay attention to the frequency of using multimedia.Some teachers are trying to use multimedia frequently in order to express their modern teaching methods. Some even think that the more they use multimedia to give lessons, the better results they will get. And some teachers even use it throughout the whole class. In class, all they need to do is press the mouse on the platform ceaselessly. Seemingly, the students show great interest in the class. As a matter of fact, they only get limited language input. What’ s worse, they haven’ t got enough chances to practice using language.
  3.We had better not to treat the screen as the blackboard. Some teachers think that the blackboard disappears when we have the screen, so they put all the practice materials as well as questions and answers into the computer, which results in dull classes. Besides, the contents on the screen disappear quickly and the students can’ t make detailed notes, which are necessary for revision or later use. So we should use the blackboard whenever we need.
  4.We should remember that the students are the main body in class. We should have student-centered classes and it is better for their language acquisition. We should know that the most important thing in English teaching is not to teach something but accelerate acquisition. Therefore we should choose and make proper courseware, meanwhile we should try to make the students active in class.
  Some suggestions on multimedia English Teaching.
  1.Teachers should change ideas of using multimedia teaching.Appropriate teaching methods are not equal to the modernization of teaching media. No matter how powerful the modern education technology is, it is only a kind of technology.We should remember that students are the main body and teachers are mentors. We should try our best to inspire the students’strong study desire.
  2.We should devote main efforts to developing multimedia teaching based on network circumstance.With the popularity of
  computers and the rapid development of English teaching software, the students’interest of self-study will be strengthened. In order to gain better teaching results, we should attach importance to making high-quality courseware.
  In brief, it is a kind of trend to use multimedia in English teaching.
  We should make best use of its advantages and abandon its weaknesses. We must say that it is good but it can’ t take the place of all other teaching methods and we should choose appropriate teaching methods according to teaching contents.
  [1]束定芳. 我看外语教学改革[J].国外外语教学,2001(1).
  [2]莫锦国.现代外语教学理论在多媒体课件设计中的应用 [J]. 外语界,2003.(6).
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