Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nanoparticles of Fe-Co Alloys and Their Oxides Prepared by Chem

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kebo824
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Nanoparticles of Fe-Co alloys and their oxides with the particle size below 20 nm were prepared by chemical vapor condensation process. The pure Ar, Ar+1%O2, Ar+3%O2 and Ar+6%O2 were used as carrier gases, with iron carbonyl and cobalt carbonyl as the precursors. XRD patterns showed that Fe-Co metallic nanoparticles were synthesized by using pure Ar as carrier gas, and only metal oxides were obtained using Ar+(>3)%O2 as carrier gas. The HRTEM images and TG-DTA curves were used to study the core-shell structure of the different nanoparticles. The nanoparticles obtained in pure Ar consist of black core and light shell with thickness of 2~4 nm. However, in the particles obtained in Ar+6%02, the oxides core with visible lattice fringes are surrounded by thin shell. Nanoparticles of Fe-Co alloys and their oxides with the particle size below 20 nm were prepared by chemical vapor condensation process. The pure Ar, Ar + 1% O2, Ar + 3% O2 ​​and Ar + 6% O2 were used as carrier gases , with iron carbonyl and cobalt carbonyl as the precursors. XRD patterns showed that Fe-Co metallic nanoparticles were synthesized by using pure Ar as carrier gas, and only metal oxides were obtained using Ar + (> 3)% O2 as carrier gas. The HRTEM The nanoparticles were obtained in pure Ar consisting of black core and light shell with thickness of 2 ~ 4 nm. However, in the particles obtained in Ar + 6% 02, the oxides core with visible lattice fringes are surrounded by thin shell.
“我今年86岁,我流浪了86年,我是一棵树,根在大陆,干在台湾,枝叶在爱荷华”。  ——聂华苓  人只能活一辈子,我指的是生理上的。一个人活一辈子就很不容易。他(她)要经历多少的苦难,经历生老病死,悲欢离合。但是如果你有幸在活着的时候,同时徜徉在精神世界中、咀嚼自己的生活、体验他人的苦难、享受人生美好的瞬间,那就相当于延长自己的生命,相当于活了几辈子。严冬时节读完聂华苓的《三辈子》,让我在这几天也