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本刊讯为落实国务院《关于促进建材工业稳增长调结构增效益的指导意见》(国办发〔2016〕34号)精神,加快推进玻璃行业结构调整和转型升级,遏制经济下行、效益下降局面,在工信部原材料司的指导下,中国建材联合会、中国建筑玻璃与工业玻璃协会于7月30日在湖北省武汉市举办“平板玻璃行业去产能稳增长调结构增效益交流大会”。中国建材联合会会长乔龙德,工信部原 In order to implement the spirit of “Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Stable Growth and Structurally Increasing the Benefit” (Guo Ban Fa [2016] No. 34) issued by the State Council, we accelerated the structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading of the glass industry so as to curb the downturn in economy and the decline in efficiency Under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Materials Division, China Building Materials Federation, China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association held a seminar on “Stabilizing Growth, Adjusting Structure and Increasing Benefit in Flat Glass Industry” held on July 30 in Wuhan, Hubei Province. China Building Materials Federation, Joe Long De, the former Ministry of Industry
中国高铁的强大硬实力  建设经验丰富  中国建设了完备的高速铁路技术体系,在勘探设计、装备研制、施工建设、调度指挥、运营管理均处于国际先进水平,具有在多种地形地貌和气候条件下建设运营高铁的丰富经验。  建设速度全球领先  中国的高铁建设速度全球领先,京沪高铁全长1300多公里,仅用3年多即建成运营。自2004年中国发展高铁技术,在10年的时间里,中国高铁建设的规模和速度领先全球。这就是中国高铁速度
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Colloid degeneration is a rare but well-recognized entity,usually occurring on chronically sun-exposed skin.We report acase occurring on penile skin with no his