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污染叹为现止,人类健康急寻出路国民经济飞速发展的今天,环境不断恶化也日趋明显.无论我们处于封闭性多么好的环境里,始终都无法逃避空气污染给健康带来的危害——头痛,胸闷、气喘,流泪、咽痛、肺水肿,儿童自血病……流行病学调查显示,人体若长期接触甲醛,苯,氯、氡等有毒气体,可能引起口鼻腔、消化道、皮肤、血液的癌症以及生殖系统病变。媒体的报道一桩接一桩,各种由环境污染引起的真实案例让人触目惊心! Suddenly, pollution has stopped, and human health has emerged. The rapid development of the national economy has made it increasingly obvious that the environment is deteriorating. No matter how good we are in a closed environment, we cannot always escape the health hazards of air pollution. Headache, chest distress, wheezing, tears, sore throat, pulmonary edema, and childhood leukemia... Epidemiological investigations have shown that if the human body is exposed to formaldehyde, benzene, chlorine, helium and other toxic gases for a long time, it may cause oral cavity, digestive tract, and skin. , blood cancer and reproductive system diseases. The media reports have been one by one, and the real cases caused by environmental pollution are shocking!
LI Binghai stands amid his racks of fabrics of various colors and textures, hope-fully scanning the crowd LI Binghai stands amid his racks of fabrics of variou
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