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各自治州、市、县、自治县、特区、市辖区人民政府,各地区行署,省人民政府各工作部门: 根据《国务院关于深化企业职工养老保险制度改革的通知》(国发[1995]6号)和《省人民政府贯彻国务院关于深化企业职工养老保险制度改革的通知》(黔府发[1995]43号)精神,经省人民政府同意,现就调整我省企业退休人员基本养老金有关问题通知如下: 一、调整时间:从1997年7月1日起。二、调整范围:1996年12月31日前已办理了退休(退职)手续的人员。三、调整标准: 1.1993年12月31日前的退休人员(含建国前参加革命工作按原劳动人事部劳人险[1983]3号文规定退休的老工人),每人每月增发20元。 2.1994年1月1日以后的退休人员,每人每月增发15元。 According to the “Notice of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of the Old-age Insurance System for Enterprise Employees” (Guo Fa [1995] No. 6), the work department of each state, city, county, autonomous county, special zone and municipal district people’s government, And “Notice of the Provincial People’s Government on Implementing the State Council’s Notice on Deepening the Reform of the Old-age Insurance System for Enterprise Employees” (Qian Fu Fa [1995] No. 43), with the consent of the provincial people’s government, is hereby notified about the adjustment of the basic pensions for the retirees of enterprises in our province As follows: First, adjust the time: from July 1, 1997 onwards. Second, the scope of adjustment: December 31, 1996 has handled the retirement (resign) procedures staff. Third, the adjustment criteria: 1. December 31, 1993 retirees (including those who participated in the revolutionary work before the founding of the People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China [1983] No. 3, retired workers), each additional 20 yuan per month. (2) For retirees after January 1, 1994, an additional 15 yuan will be issued each month.
哺乳过程中有三种反射,即催乳反射、射乳反射以及婴儿的哺乳反射.其中射乳反射对母乳成功喂养有直接作用. There are three reflections during lactation: prolactin refl