小脑认知情感障碍综合征(cerebellar cognitiveaffective syndrome)是因小脑受损所引起的执行功能、空间认知、语言和行为异常等一系列症状的综合征[1]。现对我院神经科自1998年7月至2006年8月所收治的22例急性小脑性共济失调患儿中,伴小脑认知情感障碍综合征的13例患儿的临床
Cerebellar cognitive impairment syndrome (cerebellar cognitiveaffective syndrome) is due to cerebellar damage caused by the executive function, spatial cognition, language and behavioral disorders and other symptoms of a syndrome [1]. Now in our hospital neurology from July 1998 to August 2006 were admitted to 22 cases of children with acute cerebellar ataxia, cerebellar cognitive disability syndrome in 13 cases of children with clinical