In addition to body length and eye diameter, mouth width and mouth height, the coefficient of variation of Hu Jiayu’s body shape is smaller, so the stability is higher. Age identification method used to calculate the number of growth rings, high accuracy. Body length and age, body length and scale length showed a linear relationship; body weight and age, body weight and body length showed an exponential curve. Pylorus vertical length increases with body length growth, pylorus vertical coefficient of variation as high as 92.08%. When the body length is below 11cm, aquatic insects are the staple food. When the body length is more than 40cm, fish is the staple food but a considerable amount of aquatic insects are still ingested. Reproductive season without star-catching, from the reproductive pore structure can accurately identify male and female. Nesting spawning, nest diameter 150 ~ 300cm, egg no sticky, egg diameter 3 ~ 4mm.