(一) 广安县厚街小学根据学生的年龄特点,采取多种形式,对学生进行《守则》的教育,提高学生执行《守则》的自觉性。他们采取逐字逐句讲解《守则》,讲故事,座谈体会,做作文,办专栏等形式,让学生掌握《守则》的内容。然后,根据《守则》的要求,针对学生中存在的问题,进行“三好”和“五爱”教育,引导他们勤奋学习,遵守纪律,热爱劳动,艰苦奋斗,关心集体,助人为乐,从小树立革命的远大理想。学校领导分别深入班级,定期召开班主任、科任教师会议,总结经验,找出差距,落实措施。召开家长座谈会,争取家长的配合。与此同时,学校恢
(i) Houjie Elementary School in Guang’an County adopts various forms based on the age characteristics of students to educate students about the Code and improve students’ awareness of the implementation of the Code. They take words and phrases to explain the Code, tell stories, discuss and discuss, write essays, and run columns to allow students to grasp the content of the Code. Then, in accordance with the requirements of the Code, we conducted “Three Good” and “Five Love” education for students’ problems, guided them to study hard, followed discipline, loved labor, struggled hard, cared about the group, and helped people to enjoy their childhood. The lofty ideal of the revolution. The school leaders went deep into the classes and regularly held class teachers and teachers’ meetings to sum up experiences, find gaps, and implement measures. Hold a parent conference to gain the support of parents. At the same time, the school is restored