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7月24日,由朝阳区委区政府支持,中国电视艺术家协会、中国传媒大学、北京电视台、北京锐创控股集团共同参与打造的国内首个纪录片生产基地——北京国际纪实影像创意产业基地"(BIDC)合作意向签字仪式及基地揭牌仪式在北京电视台新址隆重举行。中共北京市委宣传部副部长张淼,中国电视艺术家协会分党组书记、驻会副主席张显,中国传媒大学副校长高福安、廖祥忠,中共北京市朝阳区委宣传部部长、统战部部长谢莹,北京电视台总编辑赵多佳及北京锐创控股集团执行总裁王功贵等相关领导和来宾出席了合作意向签字及揭牌仪式并致词。 July 24, supported by Chaoyang District Committee and District Government, China Television Artists Association, Communication University of China, Beijing Television, Beijing Rui Chong Holdings Group to create the first domestic documentary production base - Beijing International Documentary Creative Industry Base (BIDC) signing ceremony of cooperation intention and base opening ceremony was held at the new site of Beijing Television Station. Zhang Miao, Vice Minister of Propaganda Department of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, Zhang Xian, Secretary of the Sub-Party Committee of China Television Artists Association and Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China Zhang Xian, Vice President of Communication University of China Fu’an, Liao Xiangzhong, relevant leaders and guests attended the signing ceremony and inauguration ceremony of the cooperation intention, including Minister of Propaganda Department of Beijing Chaoyang District CPC Committee, Xie Ying, Minister of United Front Work Department, Zhao Dojia, chief editor of Beijing TV Station, and Wang Gonggui, CEO of Beijing Rui Chong Holding Group And speech.
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2009 Infocomm,天道启科围绕“世博”及“高清应用”两大核心主题,全方位展示了数款行业领先的最新技术、产品和方案。三款最新SONY高清视频摄像机——BRC-Z330、EVI-HD7V和E