接受的历史及其特色日本有史以来既广且深地受到中国文明的各方面的影响。中国的文学也是其中一方面。日本接受中国文明的历史,据日本的记载, 以285年(晋·武帝时代)朝鲜(百济)王向日本朝廷呈献《论语》和《千字文》为始。但是,据中国的记载.周成王的时候(约公元前750年之际)日本人已向中国贡献物品(见王充《论衡》),由此可推定这个过程开始于公元前8世纪。迄今已有近3000年的历史。
Accepted History and Its Features Japan has been widely and deeply influenced by all aspects of Chinese civilization ever since. Chinese literature is also one aspect. Japan accepted the history of Chinese civilization. According to Japan’s records, the king of North Korea (Baekje) presented the Analects of Confucius and the “Thousand-Character Chinese” to the Japanese court in 285 (the era of Jin and Emperor Wudi). However, according to the Chinese records, the Japanese had contributed articles to China during the reign of King Chou (circa 750 BC) (see Wang Chong’s Lun Heng), from which it can be inferred that the process started in the 8th century BC. So far, nearly 3,000 years of history.