牵线搭桥 “死物”变“活宝”——浅谈江西省闲置设备调剂利用工作

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经济要发展,企业要搞活,必须依靠技术进步,加快企业生产设备的更新改造。而这需要资金投入。但我省财力薄弱,1987年全省财政收入只有28.21亿元,居全国第17位。全省固定资产170亿元,其中独立核算企业设备固定资产仅108亿元。相当一部分的微利企业和迫切要求设备更新的企业希望购买价格便宜且能迅速到手的设备。而另一方面,部分企业设备过盈,或因转产设备停用,要求处理设备,加快资金周转。为要解决好这个问题,我们从树立为企业服务的思想,着眼提高固定资产的社会经济效益,充分发挥闲置可用设备或转产停用设备的作用,让这些设备调剂到急用的企业和适应的产品生产上去,为四化建设出力, To develop the economy, enterprises must invigorate and must rely on technological progress to speed up the upgrading of production equipment. This requires capital investment. However, our province’s financial power was weak. In 1987, the province’s fiscal revenue was only 2.821 billion yuan, ranking 17th in the country. The province’s fixed assets amounted to 17 billion yuan, of which the fixed assets of independent accounting enterprises were only 10.8 billion yuan. A considerable number of low-profit enterprises and companies that urgently require equipment updates want to buy equipment that is cheap and can be quickly reached. On the other hand, some of the company’s equipment is in excess of profit, or due to the decommissioning of the conversion equipment, it is required to dispose of the equipment and speed up the capital turnover. In order to solve this problem, we set ourselves as an enterprise service idea, focusing on improving the social and economic benefits of fixed assets, and giving full play to the role of idle available equipment or switching to disabling equipment, so that these equipment can be transferred to urgently used enterprises and adapted products. Production goes up to contribute to the development of the four
固定资产基本折旧基金的提取和使用是一个重大的政策性问题,我们通过对上海市化工企业折旧情况的调查,现就这方面的问题作些探讨。 首先,我们从每百元固定资产创造的产值情
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七○八所计量工作经北京市计量局检查、鉴定,于1987年11月21日被授于计量二级。至此,七○八所率先成为航天部直属研究所计量二级单位。 七○八所的计量工作基础差,起步晚。1