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本文目的在于深入研究降钙素基因相关肽 (CGRP)对豚鼠冠状血流量以及心脏传导系统各部分的作用。采用Langendorff法灌流心脏 ,同步记录心脏表面电图和希氏束电活动。观察应用CGRP前后的冠脉流量、自主心率、在相同心房周期下的房室结 (AH)及希浦系传导时间 (HV)、心脏出现 3∶2文氏传导及 2∶1房室传导阻滞所需的最长起搏周期 (PCL3∶2 ,PCL2∶1)。CGRP (3~ 30nmol/L)可显著增加冠脉流量 ;CGRP (30nmol/L)仅使自主心率轻度增加 ;CGRP (3~ 30nmol/L)对AH和HV未产生明显影响 ,也不影响PCL3∶2和PCL2∶1。结果表明 ,在本实验条件下 ,CGRP对豚鼠心脏的作用点主要位于冠脉血管 ,其次是窦房结 ,而对房室传导系统没有作用。 The purpose of this article is to investigate in depth the role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on coronary blood flow in guinea pigs and in various parts of the cardiac conduction system. The Langendorff method was used to perfuse the heart and synchronously record the cardiogram and His bundle electrical activity. Coronary flow and autonomic heart rate before and after CGRP were observed. Ventricular node (AH) and Hippo conduction time (HV) under the same atrial cycle were observed. The heart appeared 3: 2 Ventricle conduction and 2: 1 atrioventricular conduction resistance Hysteresis required for the longest pacing cycle (PCL3: 2, PCL2: 1). CGRP (3 ~ 30nmol / L) significantly increased coronary flow; CGRP (30nmol / L) only slightly increased spontaneous heart rate; CGRP (3 ~ 30nmol / L) had no significant effect on AH and HV, : 2 and PCL2: 1. The results showed that under the experimental conditions, the role of CGRP in guinea pig heart mainly in coronary vessels, followed by the sinoatrial node, but no effect on atrioventricular conduction system.
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