
来源 :法制与经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:atianjun
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依法治国、依法行政,依法管理是一个国家政治上成熟、经济上发达的标志,也是一个国家文明进步的象征。新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国政治经济体制的变革,使法制建设工作得到了长足的发展,法制的不断健全和完善又促进了政治经济体制的良性转化。但是,由于多种因素的影响,我国当前行政执法工作中仍有不少令人关注的问题,这些问题主要表现为有法不依、执法 Governing the country according to law, administration by law, and administration by law are the symbols of a country’s political maturity and economic development. It is also a symbol of the progress of a nation’s civilization. Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, the reform of the political and economic system in our country has made great strides in the legal construction work. The continuous improvement and perfection of the legal system has also promoted the benign transformation of the political and economic system. However, due to the influence of many factors, there are still many problems of concern in current administrative law enforcement in our country. These problems are mainly manifested by lawlessness, law enforcement
患儿男,25 d,因鼻塞25 d,呕血1次入  院。查体:精神、反应可,营养好,呼吸均,无 鼻扇。前囟平软,咽不充血,皮肤无黄染,听 诊双肺呼吸音稍粗,心率140 7欠/min,心音有 力,律齐,
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作者根据全国化肥试验网的资料,对我国与磷肥合理施用有关的土壤速效磷的含量、磷肥肥效、磷肥在轮作中的分配数量及施肥方法等问题作了分析,并提出了相应的建议。 Based on