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中国年产65亿双鞋类产品,是世界第一制鞋大国,各种鞋类出口量一年达36~37亿双,位居世界前列。出口额却只有近百亿美元,每双鞋类产品的出口离岸价平均只有0.8~5.79美元,甚至比印度、越南等国家的鞋类产品出口价还低,在国际上还处于“低档”的地位。身处“大国”而不强,这不能不令人深思! 温州鞋业有着悠久的历史。早在明朝成化年间,温州鞋就被列为贡品,而民间的制鞋技艺据说最早可追溯至南宋时期。如今,温州鞋业年产值已近300亿元,产量6亿余双,利税和出口额分别占全国总量的7%和14%,并拥有“康奈”、“东艺”、“奥康”、“吉尔达”等一些知名品牌,产品遍布全国各地,“康奈”还在巴黎开设了品牌专卖店。温州鞋业正努力走向世界。然而温州鞋业在不断发展的同时,也沉淀了一些不容忽视的问题,其中有些问题已相当严重,如不加以足够重视,并采取切实可行的措施加以解决,必将严重影响温州鞋业乃至中国鞋业的健康发展。 With an annual output of 6.5 billion pairs of footwear products, China is the world’s largest shoe-making country. Exports of various types of footwear reach 3.6 to 3.7 billion pairs a year, ranking the world’s top. The export value is only nearly 10 billion US dollars, the average FOB value of each pair of footwear exports is only 0.8 to 5.79 US dollars, even lower than the export price of footwear products in India, Vietnam and other countries, is still in the “low” internationally. The status. Being in a “big country” but not strong, this can not but be thought-provoking! Wenzhou shoe industry has a long history. As early as the Ming Dynasty Chenghua period, Wenzhou shoes were listed as a tribute, and folk shoe-making skills are said to date back to the Southern Song Dynasty. Nowadays, the annual output value of Wenzhou footwear industry is nearly 30 billion yuan, and the output is more than 600 million pairs. The profits and taxes and exports account for 7% and 14% of the national total, respectively, and they have “Kornai”, “Dongyi” and “Aokang”. , “Gilda” and some other well-known brands, products throughout the country, “Cornell” also opened a brand store in Paris. Wenzhou shoe industry is striving to move toward the world. However, while the Wenzhou footwear industry continues to develop, it has also precipitated some problems that cannot be ignored. Some of these problems are already very serious. If not enough attention is paid and practical measures are taken to resolve them, it will definitely affect Wenzhou footwear industry and even China. The healthy development of the footwear industry.
2 巴西Mercosul洗涤剂应用逐渐增长 南非南锥部的洗涤剂化学品市场由于其增长而正在变得更为成熟,南部或Mercosul共同市场的关锐政策促进当地的生产。 巴西是领先者,它约占
秉承儒家修齐治平的政治理想 ,强调诚心正意的修身准则 ,“驭将之道 ,最贵推诚 ,不贵权术”① 。是湘军治军的最大特点 ,并在具体的军事实践中发挥了重要的作用。鸦片战争后