深化改革 开拓创新 进一步推进基础教育改革与发展——武汉市基础教育工作会议隆重召开

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2002年4月30日,武汉市委市政府召开了全市基础教育工作会议。会上,中共湖北省委副书记、武汉市委书记罗清泉强调指出,全市上下都要认真贯彻落实全国和全省基础教育工作会议精神,统一思想,深化改革,加大投入,加强领导,扎扎实实地抓好基础教育工作,进一步推进我市基础教育改革与发展。为贯彻落实好全国、全省基础教育工作会议精神,去年以来,市领导带领市直有关部门负责人对全市基础教育进行了广泛深入的调查研究。4月中旬,市政府市长公办会、市委常委会专题研究全市基础教育工作,审议并原则通过了《中共武汉市委武汉市人民政府关于进一步推进基础教育改革与发展的决定》。改革开放以来,在市委市政府领导下,经过各级党委政府和广大人民群众特别是全市基础教育战线8万教职工的共同努力,我市基础教育取得了显著的成绩。罗清泉在充分肯定我市基础教育发展取得的成绩后,就进一步 April 30, 2002, Wuhan municipal government held a meeting of the city’s basic education work. At the meeting, Luo Qingquan, deputy secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Committee, emphasized that the whole city must conscientiously implement the spirit of the national and provincial meeting on basic education, unify its thinking, deepen its reform, increase its investment, strengthen its leadership and solidly implement it. On the ground do a good job of basic education to further promote the reform and development of basic education in our city. In order to implement the spirit of the National Basic Education Work Conference of the whole province, since last year, the city leaders led the leaders of relevant municipal departments directly under the Central Government to conduct extensive and thorough investigations and studies on the basic education in the city. In mid-April, the Mayor’s Office of the Municipal Government and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee studied the city’s basic education in detail and passed and approved in principle the “Decision of the Wuhan Municipal People’s Government of Wuhan City on Further Promoting the Reform and Development of Basic Education.” Since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and government and through the joint efforts of the party committees and governments at various levels and the masses of the people, especially the 80,000 faculty and staff in the basic education front of the city, remarkable achievements have been made in basic education in our city. Luo Qingquan fully affirmed the achievements made in the development of basic education in our city and went further
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