解读之八 新课程对教师专业发展的新要求

来源 :现代特殊教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming4636j
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长期以来,盲校教师队伍流动性极小,几乎处于停滞不动状态;新教师引进数量有限,其特教专业知识相对匮乏;而盲校在当地独此一家,全省范围内也往往只有几家,且多数为盲、聋、培智教育合校。这些因素造成了盲校信息渠道阻塞封闭,经常性的交流与合作相对较少。如此等等,使盲校许多教师思想观念陈旧,教 For a long time, the mobility of teachers in blind schools was extremely small, almost in a state of stagnation; the introduction of new teachers was limited and their expertise in teaching was relatively scarce; while blind schools were the only ones in the region and only a few Home, and most of them are blind, deaf, intellectual education combined school. These factors have caused the blocked information channels in blind schools to be blocked, and frequent exchanges and cooperation are relatively rare. So, so that many teachers in blind school ideas obsolete, teaching
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