Construction of T-Ring: A Novel Integrated Radio Testing Ring

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinglwwb33
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Outfield testing is an effective measure to check the performance of wireless networks and facilities.Current outfield testing environment has inherent fluctuation due to the wireless propagation condition and has other disadvantages such as nonsupport for multiple scenarios,and low-level yet high-cost auto-control capability.In this paper,the conception of a radio testing environment,known as T-Ring (Integrated-Testing Ring),is proposed.It is based on a novel fitting degree evaluation frame.The testing ring can achieve high level of fitting degree to the real network so that the fluctuation of the wireless environment will be under control or even eliminated.This paper will choose some typical performance indicators and obtain corresponding statistical data in both the real network and system level simulation.A complete set of procedures is also given in this paper to evaluate the fitting degree of testing results and simulation results.I:proves that the simulation highly fits to the real network and the simulation configuration can be used to construct the testing ring.At the same time,the advanced radio testing ring integrates multiple radio access technologies,scenarios and facilities from different manufacturers.It can improve the efficiency of wireless outfield testing and lower the cost of operators and manufacturers.
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