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当前,在我国进入“以工促农,以城带乡”的新的历史条件下,解决“三农”问题,不仅仅是经济发展的问题,也是文化进步的问题。建设社会主义新农村,必须进一步加强新农村文化建设,这是全面建设小康社会的内在要求,是树立和落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,是建设社会主义新农村、满足广大农民群众多层次多方面精神需要的有效途径。一方面,推进新农村文化建设,是构建农村新生产方式和生活方式的需要。目前,农村的生产方式和生活方式已经并继续发生历史性的巨变。这种以新的生产技术应用和新的生产关系为特征的生产方式的形成,以新的观念和新的行为为特征的生活方式的形成,是我国农村现代化进程中的一个重要标志。它的形成和发展,离不开集现代科技、教育、卫生以及法律制度、思想观念、伦理道德等新文化这个大背景,以及以它 At present, under the new historical conditions of entering “promoting agriculture with industry and bringing the countryside with cities” in our country, solving the “three agricultural issues” is not only an issue of economic development but also an issue of cultural progress. To build a new socialist countryside, we must further strengthen the new rural culture, which is an inherent requirement of building an overall well-to-do society. It is an important part of establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious socialist society. It is to build a new socialist countryside and meet the needs of the general public Effective Ways for the Peasant Mass to Have Various Mental Levels at Various Levels. On the one hand, promoting the new rural cultural construction is the need to build new rural areas’ production methods and lifestyles. At present, the historic changes have taken place in the way of production and lifestyles in the countryside. The formation of a production mode characterized by the application of new production technologies and new production relations and the formation of a lifestyle characterized by new ideas and new behaviors are an important symbol in the process of rural modernization in our country. Its formation and development can not be separated from the backdrop of a new culture of modern science and technology, education, health and legal systems, ideological concepts and ethics.
目的应用静息态功能磁共振成像(f MRI)和神经心理学方法探讨颞叶癫痫(TLE)患者警觉网络损害及其相关影响因素。方法分析44例单侧TLE患者和32名健康对照者的静息态f MRI数据、
患者男,66岁,因外伤致多发脑挫裂伤入院。体检:血压208/98 mm Hg,患者一般状况欠佳,心肺听诊无异常,双侧视力粗测正常,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,面部浅感觉正常。四肢肌力Ⅴ级,双上