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积极开展现行公开文件利用工作,是档案部门实践“三个代表”重要思想,发挥档案服务创新、服务社会、服务人民群众的重要举措。各级综合档案馆在开展已公开现行文件服务工作以来,化解了许多因不了解政策引发的矛盾,较好地满足了群众对政策的需求,它在党和政府与老百姓之间架起了一座沟通的桥梁,对推动政务公开和民主法制建设,对密切党群关系都具有举足轻重的作用。受到了社会各界的一致好评。 To actively carry out the utilization of the existing public documents is an important measure for the archival departments in implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ making full use of the innovative services of archives, serving the community and serving the people. Since the comprehensive archives at all levels have carried out the work of opening up the existing documents and services, they have solved many conflicts arising from ignorance of policies and satisfactorily met the demands of the masses for policies. They have established a communication between the party and the government and ordinary people Of the bridge, to promote open government affairs and building a democratic legal system, the relationship between the party and the masses have a pivotal role. Has been well received by all sectors of society.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文从科学精神、人文精神和现代档案精神的构建三方面对“以人为本”的现代档案管理理念进行了论述。 This article elaborates the modern archives management concept o
阐明了工程竣工档案在施工项目管理中的作用,应加强档案工作,强化项目施工档案管理,并强调应按制度接收归档。 Clarified the role of project completion archives in cons
美国国家档案馆绞尽脑汁,设法确保濒临消失的电子记录,能象《独立宣言》的原稿那样,可以保存超过200年。  马里兰州科利奇帕克郊区的树林中,有一幢四四方方的白色建筑物,这就是美国的官方贮藏室一一美国国家档案馆(National Archives and RecordsAdministration,NARA),它是用来存放不再使用的政府记录的。档案馆里很安静,只有研究人员们在默默地翻阅着一箱箱关于人口