奋进的历程 光辉的前景

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从1949年10月1日至今,我们伟大的中华人民共和国踏着坚实的脚步,走过了整整四十五年的旅程。四十五年,在人类发展历史的长河中,只不过是极其短暂的一瞬间,但对于灾难深重,饱受忧患的中国人民来说,这四十五年开创了中华民族振兴的历史新纪元。四十五年来,全国各族人民在党和人民政府的领导下,艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国,创造了一个又一个举世瞩目的伟业,使一个百孔千疮的穷国、弱国走上了繁荣富强之路。尤其是十五年来的改革开放,给社会主义的中国注入了前所未有的生机与活力,文化教育蓬勃发展,科学技术突飞猛进,经济建设日新月异,人民生活显著提高。在建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上,中华民族正迈着巨人的步伐,向世界先进民族之林迈进。新中国诞生、成长的历史雄辩地说明,建国以后的四十五年,是中华民族取得翻天覆地历史巨变的四十五年。而改革开放的十五年,又是建国以来社会经济发展最快,人民得到的实惠最多的十五年。 From October 1, 1949 to the present, our great People’s Republic of China has taken a solid footsteps and has traveled a total of 45 years. In the past 45 years, it has only been an ephemeral moment in the history of human development. However, for the disaster-ridden and suffering Chinese people, this 45 years has created a new epoch of history for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Over the past 45 years, under the leadership of the party and the people’s government, the people of all nationalities in the country have worked hard to thrifty their thrift and found their country one after another, creating one after another the great cause of world-wide attention, so that a well-to-do, poor and poor country with hundreds of holes can embark on a path of prosperity and prosperity . In particular, the 15 years of reform and opening up infuse socialism with unprecedented vigor and vitality. Cultural and educational education is booming. Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds. With rapid economic development and ever-increasing levels of people’s livelihood, socialist reform and opening up are unprecedented. On the road to building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese nation is marching forward with the giants to the advanced nations in the world. The history of the birth and growth of New China eloquently illustrates that the 45 years since the founding of the People’s Republic was a drastic change in the history of the Chinese nation. In the 15 years since the reform and opening up, it has also enjoyed the highest social and economic development since the founding of the People’s Republic and the most benefitted people have enjoyed in the past 15 years.
本刊讯(记者 王崇民)6月2日,2011中国ECR大会在上海召开,宝洁、联合利华、尼尔森、IBM商业价值研究院等国内外知名企业和行业协会300余名代表参加了本届大会。