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目的:探索新药研发活动对医药制造业就业产生影响的作用机制,对新药研发就业效应进行实证研究,为政府和企业进行新药研发管理决策及战略制定提供参考。方法:以理论研究为基础,结合医药行业特性,建立新药研发就业效应研究模型,以2004-2012年相关数据,检验模型的合理性,并对新药研发就业效应进行定量研究。结果:1每增加1%的新药研发支出,最终将增加就业量0.135 3%,包括0.394 6%的促进效应、0.259 3%的挤出效应,即每年新药研发支出每增长10亿元,可以创造约7 900个就业岗位,同时提升医药制造业人均主营业务收入约1.1%,多创造约122亿产值。2中药制造业新药研发支出的就业效应、就业促进效应、就业挤出效应均高于化学制药业,但不同年份之间的差别也大于化学制药业。结论:1本文建立的研究模型是合理的。2医药制造业新药研发支出对就业体现为正向推动作用,对企业规模、生产效率也有积极作用。3中药制造业新药研发支出对就业及企业的发展效果均优于化学制药业,但作用效果并不稳定。 OBJECTIVE: To explore the mechanism of the impact of R & D activities of new drugs on the employment of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, and to make an empirical study on the employment effect of R & D of new drugs and provide reference for government and enterprises to make decisions and strategies for R & D of new drugs. Methods: Based on the theoretical research and the characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry, a research model of the employment effect of new drug research and development was established. Based on the data from 2004 to 2012, the rationality of the model was tested and the employment effect of new drug research and development was quantitatively studied. RESULTS: 1 An increase of 1% in new drug research and development expenditures will eventually increase employment by 0.135 3%, including 0.394 6% promotion effect and 0.259 3% crowding out effect, that is, each year the new drug research and development expenditure will increase by 1 billion yuan About 7 900 jobs, meanwhile, increased 1.1% of the main business revenue per capita of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and created an additional output value of about 12.2 billion. 2 Chinese medicine manufacturing R & D expenses of new drugs employment effect, employment promotion effect, employment crowding out higher than the chemical industry, but the difference between different years is also greater than the chemical industry. Conclusion: 1 The research model established in this paper is reasonable. 2 Pharmaceutical manufacturing R & D expenditures for new drugs on employment reflects the positive role in promoting the scale of enterprises, production efficiency also has a positive effect. 3 Chinese medicine manufacturing R & D expenditures for new drugs on employment and the development of enterprises are better than the chemical industry, but the effect is not stable.
以淫羊藿多糖加蜂胶黄酮(方1)、人参皂苷加黄芪多糖(方2)组成2个复方,各加IL-2配合新城疫苗免疫雏鸡,分别于免疫后第7、14、21、28 d用微量法检测血清抗体效价的动态变化;同