City Environment Art and Sustainable Development

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Melissachen
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The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people’s own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deep meanings, explore the direction of their de- velopment, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be the concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. Such a thesis, starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment. The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people's own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deepmeans, explore the direction of their de-velopment, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. , starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, Takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city ​​planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment.
建筑节能,是指在保证建筑舒适性的条件下,通过提高建筑围护结构的隔热保温性能、采暖空调系统运行效率和自然能源利用等技术措施,提高建筑中的能源利用率, 降低建筑使用中的
正方体是立体几何中最基本的图形之一.在解某些立体几何题目时,若能发现图形与正方体的关系,巧妙地构造正方体,则可以收到化难为易、事半功倍的效果.    一、将正四面体补成正方体  例1 若一个正四面体的所有棱长都是[2],四个顶点在一个球面上,则此球的表面积为 .  解析 如图1,构造一个棱长为1的正方体[ABCD-A1B1C1D1],则正四面体[B1ACD1]为符合题意的正四面体,