Molecular Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of T3SS Effector HopPmaJ from Vibrio alginolyticus

来源 :Agricultural Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa5518505
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In this paper,the hopPmaJ gene,which encodes type III effector HopPmaJ of Vibrio alginolyticus,was cloned,sequenced and bioinformatically predicted.The results showed that hopPmaJ(GenB ank accession number:KX245315)is 345 bp in length and encodes 114 amino acids,with a theoretical molecular mass of 12.774 kD,and a pI of 4.45.The protein has multiple functional domains and binding sites,but no signal peptide.The tertiary structure of the protein is a homodimer.Based on multiple parameters,the possible dominant B cell antigenic epitopes of HopPmaJ were predicted to be at positions 13-16,29-30,40-42,45-49 and 84-91. In this paper, the hopPmaJ gene, which encodes type III effector HopPmaJ of Vibrio alginolyticus, was cloned, sequenced and bioinformaticallypredicted.The results showed that hopPmaJ (GenBank accession number: KX245315) is 345 bp in length and encodes 114 amino acids, with a theoretical molecular mass of 12.774 kD, and a pI of 4.45. The protein has multiple functional domains and binding sites, but no signal peptide. The tertiary structure of the protein is a homodimer. Based on multiple parameters, the possible dominant B cell Antigenicic epitopes of HopPmaJ were predicted to be at positions 13-16, 29-30, 40-42, 45-49 and 84-91.
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