Effects of Water Quality on the Distribution of Chinese Giant Salamander(Andrias davidianus)in Guizh

来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njtangxn
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13 water quality parameters were tested from 38 reaches of 34 counties in Guizhou where Chinese giant salamander(Andrias davidianus) distributed over the past 30 years. Dissolved oxygen and p H were found to be significant determinants of the species distribution in recent years(P<0.05). There was no Chinese giant salamander distribution in the recent five years in rivers with dissolved solids of greater than 415 mg/L, conductivity of greater than 639 us/cm, salinity of greater than 0.31 ppt and total hardness of greater than 150 mg/L. Sensitive to environment, the Chinese giant salamander is an important indicator for environmental quality, so it could be used as one of the environmental indicator. Eutrophication, chemical fertilizer, pesticides and inorganic pollutants may be one of reasons driving wild CGS into extinction. 13 water quality parameters were tested from 38 reaches of 34 counties in Guizhou where Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) distributed over the past 30 years. Dissolved oxygen and p H were found to be significant determinants of the species distribution in recent years (P < 0.05). There was no Chinese giant salamander distribution in the recent five years in rivers with dissolved solids of greater than 415 mg / L, conductivity of greater than 639 us / cm, salinity of greater than 0.31 ppt and total hardness of greater than 150 mg / L. Sensitive to environment, the Chinese giant salamander is an important indicator for environmental quality, so it could be used as one of the environmental indicator. Eutrophication, chemical fertilizer, pesticides and inorganic pollutants may be one of reasons driving wild CGS into extinction.
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