The World’s Tourist Attractions Destroyed by Tourism 那些被旅游业毁掉的世界旅游胜地

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  Fjaerárgljúfur Canyon, Iceland
  Fjaerárgljúfur Canyon in Iceland was once featured in Justin Bieber’s music video, and made appearances in Game of Thrones. The canyon’s cameos in pop culture have made it a popular travel destination for tourists, but the influx of travelers to the site has badly damaged it, prompting a visitors ban.
  The Environment Agency of Iceland reports that about one million people have visited the site since Bieber’s video was released in 2015. Despite the ban implemented by environmentalists, which hasn’t discouraged visitors from going. According to a report, visitors have snuck in overnight.
  Venice, Italy
  Venice is already known to be sinking, and the masses of tourists that visit the city every year certainly aren’t helping.
  Locals have complained that tourism, including cruise ships, is responsible for increased pollution in the city, and the UNESCO World Heritage Committee is concerned about the impact it has on Venice’s many historical sites.
  Venice has implemented strict rules regarding tourism: littering, engaging in horseplay, not wearing a shirt in public, leaving love locks, and writing on or damaging trees or buildings are all fineable offenses in the city. According to a report, the city is even limiting the number of new hotel rooms.
  Barcelona, Spain
  Locals in Barcelona aren’t shy about their disdain for tourists. A protest against tourism in the city turned violent when protesters attacked a tour bus and a hotel in 2017.
  Popular attractions have even changed their rules as a result of tourist activity. La Boqueria, a large public market, banned tourist groups of more than 15 people in 2015. Before the ban, large groups of vacationers often blocked foot traffic while taking photographs, causing disruption for vendors and regular customers, according to a report.
  热门景点甚至因为游客活动而改变了规则。2015年,大型公共市场波盖利亚市场禁止15人以上的旅游团入内。据报道,在这一禁令出台前,大群度假游客经常在拍照时造成拥堵,给小贩和常客带来困扰。   Santorini, Greece
  Santorini is a beautiful island off the coast of Greece, although it’s often packed with tourists during the summer.
  In fact, due to the seasonal influx of tourists, the island imposed a cap on visitors from cruise ships to 8,000 per day. A whopping 790,000 people from 636 cruise ships visited Santorini in 2015, according to a report, while the entire island only has a population of just over 15,000.
  Komodo Islands, Indonesia
  Komodo Island in Indonesia announced in April, 2019 that it will close the island to tourists for a year because of the dwindling Komodo Dragon population. The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry said it caught smugglers trying to sell 41 Komodo Dragons on the black market for $35,000 each.
  The island is home to 1,800 Komodo Dragons, which is the largest living lizard, weighing in at 200 pounds and up to 10 feet long.
  During the year of closure, conservationists will monitor the habitat and ensure that the reptiles have enough food and a healthy natural environment. The goal is to increase the Komodo Dragon population.
  Word Study
  influx /'?nfl?ks/ n. 涌入,流入
  There was a sudden influx of goods onto the market.
  implement /'?mpl?ment/ v. 贯彻;执行;实施
  sink /s??k/ v. 下沉;下陷;沉没
  The wheels started to sink into the mud.
  disdain /d?s'de?n/ n. 鄙视;蔑视;鄙弃
  dwindle /'dw?ndl/ v. 减少,变小,缩小
  Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20.
  smuggler /'sm?ɡl?(r)/ n. 走私者
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