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自伦敦至爱丁堡的英国东海岸铁路干线电气化,计划在1991年完成。英国运输大臣尼古拉斯·里德利在1984年7月宣布批准了这个计划。早在1981年,运输部和铁路局的联合工作组就完成了对大规模干线电气化方案的详细考察。结论是当干线电气化里程达到全国铁路网的半数(客运量接近全国的83%,货运量接近全国的68%)时,投资回收率将为11%。预计东海岸干线电气化将使3.06亿英镑的投资得到高达7%的回收率。英国正在进行的铁路电气化项目有8个:5个是25kV 50Hz 交流制,共885km;3个是750V 直流第三轨制,共71km。这些项目的全部投资为5.08亿英镑,完成以后将使电气化线路里程的比例由目前的22%增至28%。东海岸干线电气化工程共长624线路公里将分阶段进行,按计划1991年5月抵达终点爱丁堡。 The electrification of the British East Coast rail link from London to Edinburgh is scheduled to be completed in 1991. British Transportation Minister Nicholas Redley announced in July 1984 approved the plan. As early as 1981, the Joint Working Group of the Ministry of Transport and the Railway Administration completed a detailed examination of the plan for large-scale trunk electrification. The conclusion is that the investment recovery rate will be 11% when the electrification mileage of the mainline reaches half of the national railway network (passenger traffic is close to 83% of the national total and cargo traffic is close to 68% of the national total). Electrification of the East Coast Mainstream is expected to result in a recovery rate of up to 7% for 306 million pounds of investment. There are eight rail electrification projects underway in the UK: five are 25kV 50Hz AC systems with a total of 885km and three are 750V DC third rail systems with a total of 71km. The total investment for these projects was £ 508 million, which, when completed, will increase the proportion of electrified line miles from the current 22% to 28%. The total length of 624 km of the east coast trunk electrification project will be carried out in phases. It is scheduled to arrive in Edinburgh in May 1991.
一、特点 2002年高考《考试说明》对诗歌鉴赏的考查作了调整,其中最大的变化是:(一)变客观为主观,由原来的选择题变为填空题或简答题,出现在第二卷。(二)材料只选古诗,不选
题设a,b,c是正实数,且满足abc=1,求证:(a-1+1/b)(b-1+1/c)(c-1+1/a)≤1. 这是第41届国际数学奥林匹克竞赛试题第2题,现提供一种简捷新颖的证法.供同学们参考. The question
Irish mathematician and astronomer who developed the theory of quaternions, a landmark in the development of algebra,and discovered the phenomenon of conical r