近年来我们将经B超诊断并获手术证实的188例子宫肌瘤图像与镜检下病理组织结构的改变进行对照分析,以了解两者之间的关系。 资料与方法 1995年11月~1997年11月188例女性住院病人;年龄35~50岁,术前B超检查2~3次,术后均行病检。其中53例月经过多、经期延长,60例下腹部有包块;27例有压迫症状;21例有腹痛;15例不孕症;12例有贫血、白带增多等症状前来就诊,妇科检查发现,并经超声诊断为子宫肌瘤而来院手术治疗,使用日立EUB315型超声诊断仪,探头3.5兆赫。病人取仰卧位,膀胱适度充盈状态下行纵横多种切面扫查子宫。
In recent years, we will B-ultrasound diagnosis and surgery confirmed 188 cases of uterine fibroids and microscopic examination of the pathological changes in the structure of the control analysis to understand the relationship between the two. Materials and methods 188 cases of female inpatients from November 1995 to November 1997; aged 35 to 50 years old, preoperative B-ultrasound 2 to 3 times, postoperative pathological examination. Among them, 53 cases had menorrhagia and menstruation prolonged, 60 cases had mass in the lower abdomen, 27 cases had oppression symptoms, 21 cases had abdominal pain, 15 cases of infertility, 12 cases had anemia and leucorrhea, Found and ultrasound diagnosis of uterine fibroids come from hospital surgery, the use of Hitachi EUB315-based ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, the probe 3.5 MHz. Patient supine position, moderate state of bladder filling a variety of vertical and horizontal scanning the uterus.