
来源 :公民与法(法学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep1number
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基层检察院办案模式的改革是当前检察制度改革与发展的重大课题。基层检察院主任检察官制度的提出,就是为解决检察官在办案中遇到的权责不明确等问题而提出的一种办案模式改革方案。其中,去行政化是基层检察院办案模式改革的一个总体方向。根据当前我国基层检察院主任检察官制度实施的现实情况,总结在办案模式改革中遇到的各种问题,将完善主任检察官制度的各项措施具体化是深化司法体制改革的必然要求。 The reform of handling cases at the grassroots procuratorates is a major issue for the reform and development of the procuratorial system. At the grass-roots procuratorate director of the prosecutor’s system proposed is to solve the prosecutor encountered in the handling of the powers and responsibilities are not clear issues such as proposed a case-mode reform program. Among them, de-administrativeization is an overall direction of the reform of handling cases by grassroots procuratorates. According to the actual situation of the procurator system at the grass-roots procuratorate in our country, we summed up the various problems encountered in the reform of the mode of handling cases. The concrete measures of perfecting the system of chief procurator are the inevitable requirements of deepening the judicial system reform.
入夏以后,天气越来越热,空调销售也进入了旺季。小张和妻子先后转了十几家商场,最后在财源商厦订下了一款高档圆柱式落地空调。谈好价钱后,按照购物流程,小张付了两千元的订金,其余的七千元将在试用一个月满意后再付清。  一周后的星期天上午,小张接到财源商厦客服人员打来的电话,空调马上送货上门并安装。不大一会儿,门铃响了,小张连忙打开门:“请进请进!”  门外站着两个人,个子稍高的穿着一件打印着“财源商厦”
北京从小康迈向富裕前些年许多人向往的“小康”生活如今在京城已不足为奇。北京市统计局公布的官方统计数据称,今年前10月,北京市城镇居民人均可支配收入达10300 Beijing
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