
来源 :中国老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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张老师今年66岁,有10年糖尿病史。她家正好住在山脚下,于是每天清晨6时,张老师就早早起床登山,但是几次下来,她发现,每次走路不到两百米,就会感到双脚疼痛难忍,无法继续行走。有时候她的脚甚至会没感觉,像踩在海绵上,连碰伤了也不知道。爬山要穿布鞋,带巧克力糖尿病人由于身体的特殊性,运动最好控制在1个小时以内,而爬山可能会 Mr. Zhang is 66 years old and has a history of 10 years of diabetes. Her family just lived at the foot of the mountain, so every morning at 6 am, Zhang got up early, but several times she found that walking less than two hundred meters each time, she would feel the pain of her feet and could not continue walking . Sometimes her feet do not even feel like stepping on a sponge, even bumps do not know. Climbing to wear shoes, with chocolate diabetes due to the particularity of the body, exercise the best control in less than an hour, and climbing may be
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Objective: To study the correlations between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and osteosarcoma in Chinese Han nationality. Methods: The frequencies of HLA-A, B,DR,