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像“16分钟”这样的乐队,是所有“新乐队”里我个人在情感上最乐于关注的一种。首先,它成立时间较短,一般一支新乐队在成立最初的一段时间里——有的是一年,两年,或是更长一点的时间——都会保持着一股子初生牛犊一般的热情和创造力,这源于新乐队们对未来和音乐成果跃跃欲试的热情和积赞已久期待喷发的创作能力;其次,“16分钟”属于新乐队里比较“外嫩内焦”的那种,它的乐手们大都已经有过不少音乐经历,演奏技巧和意识都很到位。具体到“16分钟”来说,主唱兼主创之一的Sindy是乐界新人,她的创作想法和热情都很高涨;其他三位都是专业人士,无论是能力和年头都值得信赖,这种“新想法+老技巧”的组合是最佳的一种搭配,无疑使得成立于去年秋天的“16分钟”颇具期待值。“16分钟”的另外一个秘密武器是他们之间从思维模式到音乐爱好之间的冲突和交流,这也是在他们音乐里一个情绪可辨的优秀特色。这种冲突对一支乐队来说是有利有弊的:磨合的好了,效果会“冲”得很好,起到叠加作用;磨得不好,彼此抵消,默契也葬送掉。因为彼此功力深厚的原因,“16分钟”很幸运地避免了磨合中的消极方面,几个人各自献计,玩儿得十分热闹。 A band like “16 Minutes ” is one of the most emotionally concerned I am in New Bands. First of all, it has been established for a short period of time. Usually, a new band will have its first enthusiasm and creation during its initial period of one, two, or even a bit longer. Strength, which stems from the new band’s enthusiasm for the future and the eagerness of music results and product has long been eager to erupt creative ability; second, “16 minutes ” belongs to the new band more Species, most of its musicians have had a lot of music experience, playing skills and awareness are in place. Specifically for “16 Minutes,” Sindy, singer-songwriter and lead singer, is a new musician whose ideas and enthusiasm for her writing are all on the rise. The other three are professionals. Both her ability and her age are trustworthy, This combination of “new ideas + old skills” is the best match, which undoubtedly made “16 minutes”, which was established last fall. Another secret weapon for “16 Minutes ” is the conflict and exchange between their modes of thinking and their musical hobbies, which is also an emotionally distinguishing feature of their music. This kind of conflict is good and bad for a band. When the run-in is good, the effect will be very good and the effect will be superposed. Because of each other’s deep skills, “16 minutes ” is fortunate enough to avoid the negative aspects of running in, a few people each dedication, play was very lively.
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注意是一种心理现象,它在教学过程中能起到非常重要的作用,我们要学习研究注意规律,让“教”和“学”进行的更好。 Attention is a psychological phenomenon, which can pl
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刺痒黎豆Mucuna pruriens(L.)DC.是一种印度药用植物,在民间用作壮阳药,用于治疗阳萎等性功能疾病;还用于镇静。其豆荚可驱除消化道寄生虫,种子有抗炎和催欲的作用。刺痒黎豆
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