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最近几年,每逢情人节、圣诞节,其热闹真是难以形容,大家火热地过节,商家火热地赚钱,报纸、电视上关于节日的内容更是铺天盖地。相比之下,一些中国的传统节日可就没这么“风光”了,春节、清明、中秋这些节日虽然还是照过,但是感觉上已经越过越淡。除此之外,像端午节、重阳节这样的传统节日更是冷清,城市里面已经很少有人提及。有专家担心:由于重视程度不够,一些传统节日会逐步衰落,而青年人通过传统节日了解民族传统的机会也会越来越少。人大代表、中国人民大学校长纪宝成教授提议,增加清明节、端午节、中秋节三个传统节日为法定假日。这期的“热点话题”栏目就针对这一事件,请同学们来谈谈自己的看法。 In recent years, on Valentine’s Day and Christmas Day, the excitement is really indescribable. Everyone is having a fiery holiday, businesses are making money hotly, and the content of the festivals on newspapers and television is overwhelming. In contrast, some of China’s traditional festivals may not be such a “scenery”. Although the Spring Festival, Ching Ming, Mid-Autumn Festival these days still passed, but the feeling has been getting worse. In addition, traditional festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Chung Yeung Festival are even more deserted. Few people in the city have already mentioned it. Some experts worry that due to insufficient attention, some traditional festivals will gradually decline, and young people will have less and less opportunities to learn about ethnic traditions through traditional festivals. Professor Ji Baocheng, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of the People’s University of China, proposed adding three traditional festivals of the Ching Ming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as statutory holidays. This issue of “hot topics” is aimed at this incident. Ask the students to talk about their own opinions.
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