
来源 :戏剧文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hb9527
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自上个世纪80年代以来,喜剧小品作为一种独特的艺术在中国大地上波澜壮阔地涌现,并以其娱乐与教化的双重功能昭示着美好的存在价值与审美特征。而获取审美享受,解读喜剧小品,我们不难发现:幽默是喜剧小品完成其艺术功能的重要保障,是实现其审美价值的重要依托。一、幽默与喜剧? Since the 80s of the last century, comedy sketches have emerged as a unique art in the vast land of China. With their dual functions of entertaining and enlightenment, they have shown their beautiful existential values ​​and aesthetic features. And access to aesthetic enjoyment, interpretation of comedy sketches, we can easily find: humor is comedy sketches to complete its important function of the art of protection is an important basis to achieve its aesthetic value. A, humor and comedy?
PURPOSE: Rectal prolapse in children is not uncommon and usually is a self- limiting condition in infancy. Most cases respond to conservative management; howeve
当前,随着会议次数的不断增多,会议经费开支的数额越来越大,使财政负担越来越重;但财政对必须开的会议又应当在经费上加以保证。 At present, with the ever-increasing num
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上帝花七天造了地球,今天我有了一部电脑,是不是一天可以完成上帝七天的工作,真不得了。 God spent seven days creating Earth. Today I have a computer. Is it a day th