
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caiaikai
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目的:通过比较发生了孕产妇死亡的家庭与有正常分娩家庭的年收入和支出,探索孕产妇死亡对家庭造成的经济影响,为我国农村地区发生孕产妇死亡的家庭进行有针对性的扶贫和保障工作提供基础数据。方法:采用前瞻性、设立对照组的研究设计,对河北、河南和云南省农村地区183个发生孕产妇死亡的家庭和346个正常分娩的孕产妇家庭(作为对照组)进行了基线和随访调查,收集家庭收入支出的相关数据。运用协方差模型分析比较两组家庭在事件发生前后各一年收入支出的情况。结果:孕产妇死亡后随访的一年中,其家庭的人口数和核心家庭比例均低于对照组,而抚养比高于对照组;校正各项因素后,孕产妇死亡家庭的家庭年收入和支出分别低于对照家庭20%和15%,人均年收入和支出分别低于对照家庭11%和10%。此外,孕产妇死亡家庭因抚养婴儿及丈夫再婚花费较高。结论:孕产妇死亡可造成农村家庭收支水平一定程度的降低,并且抚养婴儿及丈夫再婚可对孕产妇死亡家庭造成较高的经济负担。提示政府应对这部分家庭给予足够的关注。 OBJECTIVE: To explore the economic impact of maternal deaths on families by comparing the annual income and expenditure of maternal deaths with those of families with normal delivery, and to provide targeted poverty alleviation for families with maternal deaths in rural areas of our country Security work to provide basic data. METHODS: A prospective, controlled study was designed to investigate the baseline and follow-up of 183 maternal deaths and 346 normal delivery maternity families in rural Hebei, Henan and Yunnan provinces as controls , Collect household income and expenditure data. The covariance model was used to analyze the income and expenditure of the two groups before and after the incident. Results: In the one year after maternal death, the proportion of the population and core family in the family was lower than that in the control group, while the dependency ratio was higher than that in the control group. After adjusting for various factors, the annual family income of the maternal death family and Expenditures were 20% and 15% lower than those of the control households, respectively, and their annual per capita incomes and expenditures were 11% and 10% lower than that of the control households respectively. In addition, maternal death families spend more on remarrying their children and husbands. Conclusions: Maternal deaths can reduce the level of rural household income and expenditure to a certain extent, and the rearing of infants and husbands can bring a higher financial burden on the maternal death families. Suggesting that the government should pay enough attention to this part of the family.
目的:检测IKKε、Dyrk1B在子宫内膜癌(Endometrial Carcinoma)组织中的表达,探讨IKKε、Dyrk1B在子宫内膜癌中的作用和临床意义,进而探索其可否作为新的临床治疗靶点。方法:
当我们坐在中国钻石交易中心大厦会客室窗前,一边俯视浦东世纪大道的车水马龙,一边思考钻石与世博会关系悠久的历史时,一种穿越时空的感觉油然而生。 When we sit in front