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太行东麓,(氵名)河南岸,昔日的荒野沙滩上,如今已崛起一座现代化的大型矿山——邯邢冶金矿山管理局北氵名河铁矿。北氵名河铁矿是国家“九五”期间批准恢复建设的唯一一座大型地下黑色冶金矿山,设计规模为年生产铁矿石180万吨,建设期为5年,达产期为3年,矿山服务年限35年,建设总投资69700万元。北氵名河铁矿1997年4月8日恢复建设,2002年4月8日顺利实现试生产,当年生产铁矿石75万吨,2003年12月26日通过了河北省发改委组织的恢复建设工程总体验收,到2004年11月11日,北氵名河铁矿当年累计生产铁矿石180万吨,提前415天实现达产,全年实现内部利润3.05亿元,2005年上半年的铁矿石产量已突破120万吨,内部利润超过2亿元,实现了投资不超预算、正式投产当年即达到并超过设计生产能力的跨越式发展目标,不仅为我国的大型矿山建设探索出了一条“新、快、好、省”的道路,更为新型矿山企业加快发展、增强市场竞争能力总结出了一套成功的经验。北氵名河铁矿能够在激烈的市场竞争中迅速做大做强企业,其诀窍是什么呢?在我们走近这座新型现代化矿山后了解到,除了企业引进了先进的生产工艺和设备,大胆改革,不断创新管理机制外,最重要的一条就是坚持以人为本,把提高员工队伍整体素质作为第一要务,通过完善企业文化建设和制度约束激励机制,树高尚精神,铸企业灵魂,增强了员工立足岗位、诚实劳动、无私奉献的自觉性。 At the eastern foot of Taihang, on the bank of Henan Province (formerly known as Henan Province), the ancient wilderness beaches have now emerged as a modernized large-scale mines - Beibei Minghe Iron Mine, Handan Xing Metallurgical and Mining Administration. Beibei Minghe Iron Mine is the only large-scale underground black metallurgical mine approved by the State for restoration and construction during the Ninth Five-year Plan. The designed scale is annual production of 1.8 million tons of iron ore with a construction period of 5 years and a production period of 3 years. Mine service life of 35 years, a total investment of 69700 yuan. Beibei Ming River iron ore mine April 8, 1997 resumed construction, April 8, 2002 successfully achieved trial production, the production of 750,000 tons of iron ore, December 26, 2003 adopted by the Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission organized the restoration and construction Overall acceptance of the project, to November 11, 2004, Beibei Minghe Iron Ore total iron ore production that year 1.8 million tons, 415 days ahead of schedule to achieve production, annual internal profit of 305 million yuan, the first half of 2005 iron The output of ore has exceeded 1.2 million tons and the internal profit has exceeded 200 million yuan. As a result, the investment does not exceed the budget, and the full-leap-forward development goal of exceeding the design and production capacity when it officially went into production not only explored a major mining construction in China “New, fast, good, provincial” road, more for the new mining enterprises to accelerate development and enhance market competitiveness summed up a set of successful experience. Beijiao Minghe iron ore in the fierce market competition rapidly bigger and stronger enterprises, the trick is what? As we approached this new modern mines learned that, in addition to enterprises to introduce advanced production technology and equipment, Bold reform and continuous innovation management mechanism, the most important one is to adhere to the people-oriented, to improve the overall quality of the workforce as a top priority, through the improvement of corporate culture and institutional constraints incentive mechanism, the noble spirit of the tree, casting the soul of the enterprise and enhance the staff Based on the job, honest work, selfless dedication consciousness.
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1 选购 选购单相潜水电泵应根据具体情况而定。粗选方面是,相同品牌的水泵整体重者为正品;性能方面,扬程应留有余地,流量适中,电压等级相符;制造工艺方面,表面应细腻,壳体厚