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长期以来,中学宿舍文化常常处于家长“管不着”,学校“顾不着”,班主任“查不着”的“三不着”状态中。不少学校只满足于看看学生的衣物排放、宿舍设施、卫生状况、问问寒冷而已。评比“文明宿舍”,也只重视卫生单项指标,而且多是流于形式。一些学校除了配备一两名宿舍管理员(实际职责只有开关门和打扫卫生)外,根本就无人过问住校生的生活和宿舍文化。班主任和任课教师能够每周去一次学生宿舍的不足十分之一,有的住校生连续几天夜不归宿,班主任都一无所知。 For a long time, the dormitory culture in middle schools is often under the control of the parents, the schools can’t care for them, and the head teacher can’t check the status of the “three things”. Many schools are only satisfied with the discharge of students’ clothes, dormitory facilities, health conditions, and asking about the cold. The evaluation of “civilized dorms” also focuses on the single indicators of health, and most of them are in form. In addition to the fact that some schools have one or two dormitory administrators (actual duties are only to open and close the door and clean up), there is no question about the living and dormitory culture of the students. The head teacher and teacher can go to the student dormitories once a week and the lack of one-tenth of them. Some students in the residence do not return home for several days and the head teacher is ignorant.
数学概念构成了数学知识的基础,要搞好概念的教与学,除须了解概念的定义方式外,还应了解概念的定义规则。 1.定义应是相称的,不要过宽或过窄。定义相称就是说下定义的概念与
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上单摆一节课时,通常在讲台上用绳拴着金属小球悬吊在支架上做演示实验.这样教室后面的学生看不清楚. In the course of a single pendulum swing, usually a metal ball h
撰写教学论文,有助于不断进行改革教学方法,总结教学得失,端正教学思想,做到教有所得,教有所长。下面,结合自己的体会,谈谈这方面的想法。 一、教学论文撰写的内容 教学论文
Stable isotope values, δ13C and δ15N, were determined for four primary producers and 19 dominant consumers in a small artificial lagoon located in Hangzhou Ba