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物理学是一门基础科学,是整个自然科学和现代技术发展的基础,对促进社会的发展具有不可替代的作用。德国物理教学界流传着这样一种说法“:没有演示实验的一堂课是不可想象的。”由此可见,演示实验在物理教学中的地位和作用是不容置疑的。要学好物理就必须改变过去注重知识传授的倾向,加强实验是物理教育本质的自然回归,符合素质教育的理论和实践的要求。物理教材中已编入了大量的演示实验,其中有些实验因为自身设计或实际教学条件的局限,效果还不够理想;从演示实验的意义和作用来看,教材上某些章节演示实验数量还不够,教材里有的图片完全可以改成演示实验,必要时还需加入一些演示实验。演示实验生动有趣,易形成悬念,它在创设问题情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学生在学习中的积极性和主动性,引导学生追根求源探索知识上有极其重要的作用。针对演示实验的改革问题,本文就此谈谈自己的肤浅体会和做法,与同行们研讨。 Physics is a basic science which is the foundation of the entire natural science and the development of modern technology and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of society. The German physical teaching community circulated such a statement: “There is no lesson to demonstrate the experiment is unimaginable.” Thus, the demonstration experiment in physics teaching status and role is beyond doubt. To learn physics, we must change the tendency of focusing on knowledge transfer in the past. Strengthening experiments is a natural regression of the nature of physics education and meets the requirements of the theory and practice of quality education. Physics teaching materials have been compiled into a large number of demonstration experiments, some of which because of their own design or actual teaching conditions, the effect is not ideal enough; from the demonstration of the significance and role of the experiment, some chapters in the textbook demonstration experiment is not enough Some teaching materials in the picture can be changed to demonstrate the experiment, if necessary, need to join some demonstration experiments. The demonstration experiment is very interesting and easy to form a suspense. It plays an extremely important role in creating problem situations, stimulating students ’interest in learning, enhancing students’ enthusiasm and initiative in learning, and guiding students to pursue their own source of exploration knowledge. In response to the reform of demonstration experiments, this article talk about their own superficial experience and practices, and colleagues to discuss.
去年法国报纸以显著地位刊登了由贝聿铭先生提议的关于巴黎罗浮宫(PALAIS DU LOUVRE)改建的方案。从有关这个方案进行的争论中,在对“现代建筑”充分估价了以后,很可以看出
目前,中国企业信息化发展进程中存在着一个瓶颈——复合型信息管理人才严重匮乏,政府支持、企业牵头、院校专家合作推动的人才工程被认为是解决这一问题的有力手段 At prese
我过去出版的三个集子,从《追思自然》、《现代化之忧思》到《自由的科学》,其间一直贯穿着一个思想主题,那就是“让科学回归人文”。这个主题动机逻辑上包含着三个部分。第一,是对危机的直觉,对人类面临的问题的敏感,对问题的深层实质进行探索的兴趣,总之是一种“忧患”意识;第二,把科学与人文的分裂看成是现代性危机最重要的根源和后果;第三,把“科学回归人文”看成是走出危机的一条道路。  应该强调的是,我所谓的科
文章通过对博弈论的发展沿革、隐性知识主体的价值取向分析,对隐性知识主体价值最大化进行了博弈分析。 By analyzing the development and evolution of game theory and t