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在网络时代,“毛笔族”便疑似书法家了。虽然水平不一定如我们父祖辈“蒙红”的水平,但完全有可能卖钱,还可能卖大钱。网络、媒体在炒作与造星上,速度惊人,席卷一切,海啸似的,一夜成名的人多了去了。许多时候,我们生活的世界被弄得荒诞又虚拟。但不管现今的“毛笔族”寂寞或者喧闹,从个人角度来看,我认为这未尝不是一件好事,书法毕竟属国粹,还要传承下去,如果连“毛笔族”都消失了,那将来中国人真的就连字都不会写了。鼠标和键盘,有时可能就是割裂文明脐带的刀子。 In the Internet age, “brush family ” is suspected of calligrapher. Although the level is not necessarily the level of our ancestors, “Meng Hong”, but entirely possible to sell for money, but also may sell big money. Network, the media in the speculation and the making of stars, speed alarming, sweeping everything, like a tsunami, overnight became more famous. Many times the world we live in is absurd and fictional. But regardless of today’s lousy or boisterous people, from an individual point of view, I think this is not a bad thing. After all, calligraphy is a quintessence of Chinese culture, and it must be inherited. If the brush family disappears , Then in the future the Chinese people will not actually write even words. The mouse and keyboard may sometimes be the knife that cleaves civilized umbilical cord.
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