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人为什么活着?这是一个并不陌生的问句,也是许多人苦苦追寻并试图回答的话题。对这一问题的回答,是人生哲学不可回避的重要内容,也是文学家不吝笔墨之所。若谈人为何而活,就要了解人因何而生,人只有生才能活,生是活的前提与前因,人因何而生又可以从本原意义上去追索。一、命赐于天,活为自然从本原意义上看,命赐于天,天乃自然,人类是自然界的产物。所谓自然不仅是我们居住的地球,所有对人的生命发生作用和影响的因素皆属自然。社会的发展证明着自然的发展,社会的进步证明着自然的进步,人类社 Why do people live? This is a no stranger to the question, but also many people are hard to find and try to answer the question. The answer to this question is an important and unavoidable part of philosophy of life. It is also the place where writers spare no effort in writing. If people talk about why they live, it is necessary to understand why people are born, and people can only live and live. Living is the precondition and cause of living. First, the life given to heaven, live as nature From the original sense, life is given to heaven, heaven is natural, human beings are the product of nature. The so-called nature is not only the earth where we live, but all the factors that have a role and impact on human life are natural. The development of society proves the development of nature, and the progress of society proves the progress of nature. Human society
基本 What is the number of your glasses?表达 They were 200 last year,but they’ve got stronger.标准 A:My eyes are suffering a lot these days.对话 B:It is obvio
9月底备受瞩目的改革后的大学英语四级考试样卷正式与广大考生见面,从试卷样题的设计看,试题突出强调对英语语言的运用能力的考查。上期刊登了 Part 1~Part 4的部分内容,本期
Although most people understand how importanta free press is in ensuring that governments respondto the needs of the people,since the very beginningthe press h
Every year there are conferences,concerts andmeetings of world leaders in which people get togetherand solemnly declare their intention to solve one ofthe worl
全国青少年国防教育巡展三团在重庆市中小学进行巡回展览,形象生动的国防教育巡展,吸引了广大师生。笔者随团目睹了几个生动感人的场面。 4月的垫江县,早已热得像蒸笼一样。