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阅读提示赏析诗歌的艺术手法是高考中的热点,其中又以衬托、对比、用典、比喻等手法和各种描写技巧以及情景关系考查最多。描写的技巧很多,如动静结合、视听结合、点面结合、一句一景、细节描写、白描、铺垫、抑扬、渲染、映衬、铺排等。情景关系是常考点,涉及多种手法,如借景抒情、融情入景、托物言志、虚实相生等。景情哀乐一致为渲染烘托,不一致而表达效果好,就是反衬。同是写景抒情,先写景后抒情(触景生情),还是先抒情再写景(以景结情),意味、效果不同,值得注意。备考时,还要注意积累相关的表达技巧术语及常见的鉴赏语言,这样才能准确表达。 Reading Tips Appreciation of the art of poetry is the college entrance examination in the hot spot, which set off, contrast, use code, metaphor and other techniques and a variety of description skills and the relationship between the most test. Describe a lot of skills, such as the combination of static and dynamic, audio-visual integration, point combination, a scene, the details of the description, white description, bedding, inhibition Yang, rendering, backing, layout and so on. Situational relations are often test sites, involving a variety of techniques, such as borrowing scenery lyrical, integration of love into the King, care words, the actual situation and so on. Scenery funeral for the rendering contrast, inconsistency and good expression, is the contrast. The same is the scenery lyricism, the first scenery after the lyrical scene (touch the scene of love), or the first lyric rewrite the scene (with King End), meaning, the effect is different, it is noteworthy. Preparation, but also pay attention to the accumulation of related terminology and expression skills of common appreciation, so as to accurately express.
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Objective:To investigate the anxiolytic activity of newly isolated compound by our lab called ursolic acid stearoyl glucoside(UASG) from the leaves of Lantana c
毛乌素绿色传奇2012-3 28.00元978-7-80723-677-1本书是我区作家肖亦农创作的一部长篇报告文学。作者追述毛乌素沙漠的形成过程,并结合个人经历,描述过去风沙对人类生活的破