
来源 :河南农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stadpole
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夏大豆盛花期叶面复合喷施多效唑和N,P,K肥既可促进植株横向生长,抑制纵向生长,提高叶片叶绿素含量和光合强度;又可有效补充植株N,P营养,提高叶片和花荚N,P含量,与单喷多效唑和单喷N,P,K相比,可更有效地改善植林营养,减少花荚脱落,提高产量。经复合喷施处理夏大豆花荚脱落率51.8%,比对照降低24.3%,单株荚数增加24.0%,增产18.6%。单喷多效唑和N,P,K肥分别比对照增产11.7%和9.6%。 The combination of paclobutrazol and N, P and K fertilizers on summer soybean flowering stage can not only promote the plant lateral growth but also inhibit the longitudinal growth, increase the leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, and also effectively replenish N and P nutrition and increase the leaf and flower Compared with single spraying PP and single spraying N, P and K, the content of N and P in pods could improve the plantation nutrition, reduce flower pods shedding and increase yield. The compound spraying treatment of summer soybean flower pod shedding rate of 51.8%, 24.3% lower than the control, pod number per plant increased 24.0%, an increase of 18.6%. Single-spray paclobutrazol and N, P and K fertilizers increased yields by 11.7% and 9.6%, respectively.
在园艺专业教学中,实践教学一直是薄弱环节。而现代社会需要具有很强实践能力的人才,培养符合社会急需的人才是值得职业学校思考的问题。 In the teaching of horticulture,