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2016年5月31日是第29个世界无烟日,烟草危害引发社会高度关注。《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》于2010年3月1日正式实施,是世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》在中国生效后,国内第一部由省级人大颁布的控烟法规。条例实施以来,对控制本市二手烟暴露和危害,提升本市公共场所控烟管理水平起到了积极作用。然而,随着依法控烟实践的推进,随着公众对烟草烟雾危害的认识不断增强,随着城市文明程度的不断提高,社会各界对上海修改完善条例,推动本市室内公共场所全面无烟环境立法的呼声也越来越高。今年,市人大常委会将条例修改列为正式立法项目,相关法规草案即将提请六月召开的常委会会议审议,目标是出台更加全面保护公众健康的控烟法规,推进无烟上海建设。 May 31, 2016 is the 29th World No Tobacco Day. The tobacco hazard has drawn great public concern. The Shanghai Regulation on Smoking Control in Public Places was officially implemented on March 1, 2010 and is the first tobacco control regulation promulgated by the provincial people’s congress since the entry into force of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in China. Since the implementation of the Regulations, it has played a positive role in controlling the exposure and harm of secondhand smoke in this Municipality and in improving the management level of tobacco control in public places in this Municipality. However, with the promotion of tobacco control in accordance with the law, with the increasing public awareness of the dangers of tobacco smoke, with the continuous improvement of urban civilization, various sectors of the community have amended and perfected the regulations in Shanghai and promoted the comprehensive smoke-free environmental legislation in indoor public places in this Municipality The voices are getting higher and higher. This year, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee will amend the Ordinance as an official legislative project, the draft of the relevant laws and regulations will be submitted to the Standing Committee meeting to be held in June deliberation, the goal is to introduce a more comprehensive public health tobacco control laws and regulations to promote smoke-free Shanghai.