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本刊讯 8月25日至9月4日交通部在重庆召开了全国短途运输现场会议。会议根据党的八届八中全会关于开展增产节约运动的决议,决定在秋后开展一个轰轰烈烈的短途运输群众运动。会议要求各地普遍推广解决短途运输最有效的“一网五化”(即车子化、船运化、轧道化、索道化和溜槽化,组成一个短途运输网)的经验,以适应秋后国民经济的新高涨,以及粮食调运和市场旺季带来的极为繁重的物资运输,保证超额完成今年全国运输计划。 News from August 25 to September 4 Ministry of Transportation in Chongqing held a national short-distance transport on-site meetings. According to the resolution of the 8th Plenary Session of the 8th Plenary Session of the 8th CPC Central Committee on launching a campaign to increase output and save energy, the meeting decided to launch a vigorous mass movement of short-distance transport in the autumn. The meeting called for the widespread promotion and solution of the most effective “one network, five” (that is, carization, shipping, rolling, cableway and chuteization, to form a short-distance transportation network) The new high economic growth, as well as the extremely heavy material transport brought by the grain transfer and the peak season of the market, promised to surpass the completion of this year’s national transportation plan.
文启济同志的意见是对的,为了使《公路弯道加宽测设表》使用方便,在原文中补充了等加宽面积A_o的计算常数k值表,以便应用。 Comrade Wen Qi Ji's opinion is correct. In or
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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a significant cause of cancer morbidity and mortality worldwide, with an incidence of up to 166 cases per 100 000 population. I
目的:探讨光动力学疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)与金丝桃素联合应用对C6胶质瘤细胞的作用。方法:用MTT法和电镜观察PDT联合金丝桃素对体外培养的C6胶质瘤细胞存活率的影响