Response of peptide intensity to concentration in ESI–MS-based proteome

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanghui0123
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High-throughput quantification with label-free methods has received considerable attention in electrospray ionization(ESI)-mass spectrometry(MS),but the manner by which MS signals respond to peptide concentration remains unclear in proteomics.We developed a new mathematical formula to describe the intrinsic log-log relationship between the MS intensity response and peptide concentration in an analytical ESI process.Experimental results showed that the calibration curve is fairly fit to the log-log formula with a linear dynamic range of approximate four to five orders of magnitude.However,we found that the ionization of analytical peptides can be severely suppressed by coexisting matrix peptides,such that the calibration curve can be poorly leveled off on both ends.Our study suggests that the interferences from coexisting matrix peptides should be reduced in the ESI process to use the log-log calibration curve successfully for the high-throughput quantification. High-throughput quantification with label-free methods has been given attention to electrospray ionization (ESI) -mass spectrometry (MS), but the manner by which MS signals respond to peptide concentration remains unclear in proteomics. We developed a new mathematical formula to describe the intrinsic log-log relationship between the MS intensity response and peptide concentration in an analytical ESI process. Experimental results showed that the calibration curve is fairly fit to the log-log formula with a linear dynamic range of approximately four to five orders of magnitude. However, we found that the ionization of analytical peptides can be severely suppressed by coexisting matrix peptides, such that the calibration curve can be poorly leveled off both on ends. Our study suggests that the interferences from coexisting matrix peptides should be reduced in the ESI process to use the log-log calibration curve successfully for the high-throughput quantification.
近年来本院收治卵巢妊娠 2 6例现分析如下。1 临床资料本组 2 6例 ,年龄 2 1~ 41岁 ,未产妇 5例 ,经产妇 2 1例 ,均有 1~ 2次人流史 ;1 8例IVD避孕 ,8例工具及药物避孕。2 6例中
1 病例报告患者 ,36岁 ,主因阴道出血半月 ,突发下腹疼痛 4小时 ,伴恶心呕吐、晕厥心慌于 1998年 12月 7日入院。患者 6年前因左侧输卵管妊娠在外院行手术治疗。查体 :BP 9/
我院自 1 998年 1 0月开展新式剖宫产 ,效果满意 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法本组有剖宫产指征行新式剖宫产孕妇共 2 6例 ,并于同类孕妇病例中 ,随机选择下腹部纵切口子宫下