A Synthesis Paper on Factors Influencing Past-tense Marking of Regular Verbs in English by L2 Learne

来源 :海外英语(上) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshizzh1713
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Among the acquisition of morphemes, the lately acquired regular past morpheme“-ed”always poses a problem for L2 learners. L2 learners tend to use this morpheme inconsistently and sometimes they just omit the morphological structures of the verbs in English. Some related research work proposed that the irregular past tense verbs (such as in“bring/brought”) are used more consistently than the regular past tense forms (such as in“talk/talked”) by L2 learners (Bayley, 1994), indicating the regular past tense forms lay a big problem for L2 learners. Although some theoretical frameworks tried to explain L2 learners'morphologi?cal variability, it is also wildly accepted that L2 learners perform differently in various situations. Based on the previous studies and theories, this paper aims at discussing some possible factors influencing regular verbs in English by L2 learners from China, taking account for two primary factors—“aspectual effect”and“phonological effect”.
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