乌克兰少儿芭蕾大师巡演中国 六一上演《白雪公主和七个小矮人》、《小美人鱼》

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尽管乌克兰局势动荡,乌克兰国宝级少儿芭蕾教育大师娜塔丽娅·勒仁芙斯卡娅还是信守去年的承诺,于5月6日从乌克兰哈尔科夫老家出发,带着30多名小芭蕾演员展开为期一个月的中国巡演。5月8日,勒仁芙斯卡娅为中国孩子们上了一节别开生面的芭蕾课,她还就当前中国儿童芭蕾教育等问题,和著名舞蹈评论家欧建平展开了讨论。著名舞蹈评论家欧建平曾经两次访问哈尔科夫舞蹈学校。他介绍,每次巡演,舞团女孩子们都带着随身挎包,而男孩子们都争相恐后地去搬运比自己还高的行李——这就是演员在芭蕾教育中培养的责任感和独立 In spite of the turmoil in Ukraine, Natalia Lerenvskaya, the national treasure of children’s ballet education in Ukraine, still kept her promise of last year and started her hometown of Kharkov in Ukraine on May 6 with more than 30 ballet Actors start a one-month tour of China. On the 8th of May, Leren Fujiakia gave the Chinese children a special ballet lesson. She also held discussions with the famous dance critic Ou Jianping on the current issues of Chinese children’s ballet education. The famous dance critic Ou Jianping twice visited Kharkov dance school. He introduced that every time a tour is performed, the girls in the dance troupes carry their handbags, and the boys are vying to carry more luggage than themselves - this is the sense of responsibility and independence that an actor cultivates in ballet education
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